@Acekidder @ahpuck I got $155 for the Vita plus a few more dollars for my two memory cards and sold all my games at $15.00 each. all in all I got close to $250.00 which is about $200 more than Gamestop would have given me if I had traded it. you know what I mean? Good luck selling it on craigslist, so many vitas for sale there. well, at least in my area.
I'm a fan of Codemaster racers, too bad I suck at them. expect for dirt 1, all other ones have left me frustrated. I still play them, I just don't have the patience, or time, to master them.
It almost feels as if M$ is trying to take on all their rivals with one machine. Trying to beat Apple, Sony, TV, Phones, PCs all at once. Meanwhile the reason for their success, gamers and games they complete forgot about.
ahpuck's comments