ahriikgmr / Member

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ahriikgmr Blog

havn't been on

Well, sure haven't been on in a long while! my guitar hero guitars are broken, so i'm planning to buy some good ones on ebay, as well as some games.

Blacksite Area 51

Lost planet

can't wait to get em'!

The Day The Earth stood Still!

I just saw the 2008 remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still! It had a few flaws, like from Nucler Warefare to Global terror, but overall I really liked it.

I loved how they made Gort a huge overall beast!

It's funny how Jacob always disobeys his step mom on purpose. Every time he did something disobediant the whole theater audience cracked up!

Still, the original will be best.

Broken Xbox 360

Some video/audio chip broke in my Xbox 360. We tried our best to fix it, but no success. My plan is for me and my siblings to buy a new one, in one week!

Were gonna sell our old Xbox and broken xbox to get some cash. I also have other old itmes to sell on ebay.

were gonna get a 60 GB xbox!