Call me bitter or hypocritical, i could care less. I can't stand how stupid (Too bad there are censors) most young adults, teenagers and damn children are. For the young adults it's getting piss drunk and making a caca load of noise, acting like they're the freaking gods of the damn field. In teenagers it's worse though, first of all they (almost all)
think they can intimidate me, me a person with a shorter fuse than a hand grenade and less patience than a dieying 80 year old man and when it results in them getting their hands stuck up their arses (I managed it once on a particularly annoying kid) they cry about it and come in damn droves as if they where the Americans trying to take me over as if i where Irak. Secondly, they make even more noise, hipping and hopping smelling of damn drugs all the time (Mostly weed) and just being obnoxious arses all the time. Thirdly, the threats....Oh the threats "See you after school with my friends". Yeah whatever they all act so tough and threaten me, but I easily dispatch of the 4 "Friends" they brought (Thank you Judo) they run away like damn rats. Now children, the worst of all. "But they can't think of themselves!" , yeah right, however they can rummage through the pantry and annoy the crap out of me. Always saying the dumbest things, arguing with someone who clearly knows more than them...
Ugh, sorry for this, seems like I'm having a breakdown. My tolerance is reduced and every moving thing is a damn target for my fist.Next thing you know I'll end up in the damn Er for the third time.
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