the ps3 version runs smoother at a lower resolution ? lol you must be insane the ps3 runs 1024*720 while the 360 1152*720 crytek has been hiding the ps3 version for a reason lol
xbox 360 crysis 2 >ps3 the shadows on 360 are better and the 360 version is running at 1152*720 while the ps3 is running at 1024*720 so the 360 version will be sharper. nothing to be mad about the truth is the ps3 is NOT better than the 360 in EVERY way(in fact they are similar in raw power when you look closely). the cell is more powerful and flexible than the 360s CPU (because it has more computational power and can do SOME graphics operations xenon cannot because of its architecture) but the 360s gpu is a generation ahead of the ps3s rsx that's why you only hear ps3 first party devs talk about the cell do they ever mention what a powerful gpu the rsx is ? NO because it sucks in comparison to whats in the 360 crytek actually said the ps3s gpu was low end in comparison to its 360 counterpart. Aside from the 360s gpu being more powerful and flexible it also has more memory bandwidth, more memory(because the 360s OS takes up less memory than the ps3s) and the edram also helps take care of bandwidth sapping operations like frame buffers(it also does free HDR in the 360 version of crysis 2 by the way the only limitation it has is that is only 10MB) but the rsx doesn't have such a thing. the complex architecture of the cell makes it hell to code for then the fact that the rsx is a dud makes it even harder to code for because game devs have to face the challenge of rendering graphics using 2 different architectures with 2 different memory pools and memory latencies(thats the reason naughty dog used the cell for post processing effects and everything else while the rsx just focussed on drawing the enviroments because thats really the best where to do it on ps3 even at that the cell can't make up for the low memory bandwidth of the rsx which affects frame buffer size, texture resolution and is basically a bottleneck as it hinders alot of other things PS3 cell(1 ppe +6 spus available for games 8 hardware threads in total)> xbox 360 xenon(3 ppes with 2 hardware threads each making a total of 6 ) rsx>xenos blu ray>dvd(MUCH MUCH MUCH more space available on disk so you can have larger games although xbox 360 dvd read rates are faster) ps3 memory bandwith read this article and you'll know that the 360s gpu has like twice the processing power of the ps3s rsx not even including the edram, bandwith and unified shader advantage.
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