How did Microsoft decide on changing the much loved Xbox button. Into a button that kicks you out of your game and takes you to the home screen??? It's stupid and pointless.... Please bring back the quick menu. Where I can hit the Xbox button and control my party options. Background music. And everything else. It was so useful on the 360 and I miss it. The Xbox One feels incomplete without it. PLEASE BRING THE REAL XBOX BUTTON BACK!
Airsoftman819's forum posts
I would like the xbox button to bring up a menu... Instead of kicking me out of my game and taking me to the home screen. A similar menu to the 360. Also I would like to be able to rip music to my hard drive and play it in the background.
@dark_rage864: I think pretty much everyone agrees it will be coming in march. It makes the most sense.
Its looking like the firmware update for the xbox one is coming this march. Soon but not soon enough. I wonder what will be changed. And if the UI will be the same? Only time will tell. But I sure as hell hope that the chat system and party system is more like the 360. Cause the current one is balls. The Xbone would be a kick ass system if these issues are ironed out. Along with the kinect eating 10% of the GPU....
I've been playing COD for 9 years now. And over that time I've racked up somewhere in the millions of kills. I've played EVERY console version of call of duty. I was in the top 2000 players back in the MW2 days. And was very high on the leaderboards for black ops 2. Recently I've been on a decline and my clan is down to nothing and I'm not near as good as I used to be. But I'm really wanting to get some new clan members and enter the clan wars (After some practice of coarse) So if your skills are decent. And your KD is close to or above 1.0 please friend me on xbox live so you can try out. My clans name is 819C and my gamertag is airsoftman819. I'm a nice guy and I wont yell at you if you **** up lol. Thanks. XBOX ONE ONLY.
@hrt_rulz01: Clearly you have not read what I. And everyone else it this thread has said ^^^^^^ Lololol
@haziqonfire: Yes I understand R&D I was just simply pointing out the possibility that Nintendo MIGHT kill off the Wii U sooner than planned and release a "New" console. I'm not jumping to ANY conclusions at this point. Most likely Nintendo will do everything in their power to keep the Wii U alive for at least a few more years. I'm just looking at some of the many possibilities.
@gagit811: Yes. I am a gamer. I don't play resolutions. I play games. And as long as the xbox one has good Original titles. And as long as they look halfway decent and play smoothly. I will continue to support the XB1 I'm a fan of the XB1 And I was at the launch. But I can't help but tilt my hat to Sony. For having the powerhouse console of the 8th gen.
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