how is everyone on the best time of year for suicides! so if you've made it this far....well, there's always next year.
so, onto more pressing matters.
so far my outlook for 2008 in terms of games looks bleak for now. Army of Two is just round the corner but other than that i have nothing special to look foreward to. Endwar is looking ever more bland as the days wear on and Vegas 2 will not be bought because of the money i now have to pour into university. and that leads me onto another bane. university. now obviously im taking my X360 with me to Uni but the main point is whether or not i can play online. the internet is block based so the internet i use will be spread throughout my block which will limit the amount of bandwidth i get. so i might be better off getting some screenshots and making a flipbook out of them and i might just get the same experience.
oh well, at least most of the games i have are single player so i wont be totally game-less.
i finally got round to playing the frontlines MP demo and can say that its not that bad. the classes and sub classes are a good idea along with upgrades for each which i hope to god you keep through out the online play. but it seems to have already de-based down to an armour fest. as soon as the game starts people rush to the tanks, helis and APC's....only to be put down by an army of seemingly invincible AT class enemies with EMP weapons. and the lag. O.M.G. i almost thought that my connection had went down but it was actually the game that was. every game i joined was red,red and red. some games had orange connection which was'nt too bad but still enough to piss you off immensly when you try and snipe someone and get headshotted point blank by the guy you were supposedly aiming at half a mile away.
the special abilities are more than good, they're humourous! nothing lightened up my day more than dropping an FAE on an objective and getting about 4-5 kills from all the clueless enemies standing around trying to be tactical. and presicion striking a sniper sitting at the top of the map. the drones are not as bad a i thought either. the assault drones are a bit annoying when the guy spawns one every time he goes arounda corner but AT classes have no problem with them.
i might rent the game when it comes out because i still have my doubts about the singleplayer which is usually why i buy a game but the muliplayer has sold me.