right, firstly id like to thank you for sticking with my seemingly endless rants that i can spurt out faster than i can write them. but we have more pressing issues to deal with.PC gaming.
now the PC is the ultimate gaming platform. everyone is agreed on this. no matter the game, you can play it on the PC. notice how crysis is PC only.
but this privilege also has a phenominal kick in the back side. upgrades.
now usually if you want to play stuff like vegas 2 or mass effect on a PC, you go out and splash out the better part of £2000 on hyper liquid-nitrogen cooled PC that can only be described as "pornography". then you play mass effect and vegas 2 and you think "WOW this is great!". then you see a game called "crysis" and think ill have a bit of that please. so you go out and buy it, stick it in the drive and the PC says "NO. just no" and you are now forever the slave to forever upgrading you PC until you can run it. now not being someone who can magic five million million pounds out of mid air, i only did the roundabout of death once. i got a super PC for my birthday last year and got all the latest games to fiddle with. then 5 months down the line you cant play any new games on it because all the hardware is now classed as "pre-historic". so, being poor i said bugger to this, lets just buy a console. but most people dont possess the magnificantly sized frontal lobe that i do and think, i need another upgrade and go out and spend the money they got from selling their kidney and grandmother on the latest top of the range hardware and repeat until they have no functioning organs left or have no family left to sell.
this is what i mean. the industry keeps pumping out insane amounts of products that are twice, if not more powerful than the last product that they spawned 30 seconds ago. when i got my really fast single core processor, quad core was something not even feasible, now its like the bog standard. and developers think that because everyone has billions to spend on JUST games (obviously) they'll build all their games to run on this hardware which then leaves 89% of the gamers not being able to play them.
and my main point that im trying to make is when does it stop? once we get to dodecahedral cores and quantum GFX cards with some sort of liquid state hyper velocity RAM, there will be nowhere to go but how long before we get there? how many more people will be suckered into the neverending circle of upgrading death before the circle collapses? thats why im sticking to consoles from now on. at least you only have to buy a new one every 6 years.