@EL_Bomberdor I don't wanna buy console.I have pc. I've played all GTA's on Pc.Pc have Much GOod Graphics. Much Good gameplay and much other things. But why did they do that?
well other games is coming in pc like watch dogs.Saints Row.
@Mendax2013 @aitxmg what will pc players do? Its my fav game. well steam is working on others game.there will b any solution for social club and why social club they can use other protection.
i really dont like cs sourse and now i dont like it too.the reason is there is improvement of graphics its too low from others games and there is no aim of any gun besides sniper rifle and the ct dont defused the bomb like its have to be just watching it its defuse and no movement when the get fired not die just hurt and there is no improvement of shield,you will only get one shot whatever you wear so in my way its totally fluke.
aitxmg's comments