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akai_reaver Blog

Zack & Wiki, First Impressions!

Alright, so I got Zack and Wiki today- and I'm up to the 5th level or something (Fishing stage). Died 3 times already, and stuck. Lol! Don't tell me the answer though. EDIT: Nvm. Got past it. Rofl. Dude kept waking up.

Anyways, let me state this right now. It's pretty challenging, but hell- it's only bound to get harder. And I'm looking forward to it. So, if you're worried about difficulty. Don't worry about it. I've logged about 2 hours in it so far. The first starting levels are easy, but get higher and higher in difficulty, and the stages begin to get bigger. My favorite level so far is the 3 Collosi (sp?), you do some cool things with the WiiMote. > > Even though it's simple flipping puzzle pieces and stuff.

The graphics of the game are awesome, especially the art style. I'm sure many sources have said this already, but it's very reminiscent to Wind Waker. Also, the animations are completely awesome. It's like a cartoon or manga or something, with the sweatdrops and the random character poses in the introduction of the game. Of course, Wiki's voice gets annoying every once in while. But that's such a small detail.

The music is pretty well done. And the sound effects and everything are fine (Why wouldn't they be). And the framerate, it dropped once so far on the fishing stage. But, it's not that noticeable.

Overall, it's an amazingly fun game so far. But it looks to be a bit short, it seems. Hopefully the puzzles later on will take longer times to do it.


Lol. x] Yesterday, I got home in time to get the progress report in the mail and burn it. This is the worst I've ever done in a long time. So, I'm pretty glad my parents didn't see it... Other than that, my birthday is on Saturday. If it matters anything. More than half of my friends on GS forgot about me. :P I didn't forget about you guys though, so... no worries. I hope to see you people on MSN sometime.


Checking In

Hey everyone!
It's been like a month since my last journal entry. My apoligies. Heh... >.>;; Nothing to really update on. My life has been boring, and my break wasn't so great either... Didn't get what I really wanted for Christmas. But, I guess what I wanted was fine. Hehe... Short journal entry, since there is nothing to update about >.>;;

FFVII: Advent Children~

Minor spoilers~ Just to let you guys know. I didn't download it -.-' Not like the rest of the people. I ordered the Japanese Collector's Edition~ It's a great movie. The quality of the graphics or whatever you want to call it is amazing. The subtitles on it were pretty accurate. Although I still don't get who 'mother' is... I think it's that little box with the liquid the guy was holding -.-' Anyways, if anyone could tell me what Jenova and Mother have to do with the movie than that would be great. But, I have to say that the way Cloud killed Sephiroth... Was pretty crappy. Woohoo~ Limit break, he's dead. What's up with that? I wanted a huge fight of Sephiroth getting owned after Cloud gets stabbed in the arm. I guess not though. I do have to admit my favorite fight was when Tifa fought the one guy who worked with Kadaj, that fight was amazing... Although it was only like 2-3 minutes long. The motorcycle scene was amazing as well. Bahamut scene was pretty meh. I was hoping to see Yuffie, Vincent, Barett, Cait Sith, Red XIII to play a bigger part in the movie, than just take place in one fight and cheer Cloud on. That was a big downside for me. I would've liked to see more team battles, than rather having Cloud getting all the glory. The ending was great. The battle scenes were well animated and awesome. Not to mention that everything happened to be very unrealistic :P. That's okay though, it's still pretty sweet. But when was Cloud able to almost fly? Anyways, kool scenes were when Tifa thought that she killed the guy, and his ringtone was the battle win music for the FF games. That was pretty sick, also~ if you notice that the characters take turns attacking :P. One thing that killed it... Was the team attack against Bahamut and they launched Cloud like a million feet into the air... And they all popped out of nowhere. Haha. Well, cya later~ 9.3/10



I've had tests all this week, which is stressing me out. I've also been getting massive amounts of homework. Running around the school getting reccomendations for colleges, hoping for the teachers to be still be there. I've also been trying to hit the 80 hour community hours mark. For some award thing during during graduation, and it's hard keeping up with all of this. I need to break down or walk outside and scream.


It's dead.

You're probably wondering "What is" This journal is officially dead, I mean it was hanging on by a small bit before the update. Like get a few comments and such. But, now it's just dead. Maybe, I'll still post in it once a month or something unless someone doesn't want me to. Well, later everyone. Good luck in life.

Life and thoughts...

 Thursday, October 13, 2005-----

Heh, GS has been down for quite a while. ( I thought it flopped :P) I'm glad it's back up now! ^-^ Although, I don't really like the new journal layour as much as the old one. It's fine. I'll deal with it sometime. The only real problem I have with it is not being able to see the new journal entries of my friends on the side on the screen like before. But, other than that... Senior year has been hard. So much crap to do, I've had alot of homework the past few days even with Columbus Day off and going to school at 11:30 A.M. on Wednesday because the Sophmores and Juniors took the PSATs and the SATs.  I've been getting alot of tests, and it's driving me insane. It's so hard to keep up with all of this work and somehow find time for the sports I joined and my friends. Sometimes, I find myself doing homework in the morning on the bus to school... It's really hard right now. And then I'm going to all the colleges and stuff. *Also* I got the new Game Informer (I don't really like it, but I deal with it because I needed the 10%+ for game credit at GS) and they ruined the Dead or Alive franchise. I mean, it's alright to add new characters. I like them and all, but they added Master Cheif... I mean, comeon! Master Cheif in a DoA game? It doesn't fit! So, I'm not sure anymore. I know, it's only a single character... but comeon! They didn't need to add Master Cheif, especially since it's a girl version. Oh! And what's up with all these new iPods? I got one a while ago and then a while after they come out with the Nano... and now the TV one... I don't get it anymore. Who wants to watch TV on a 2 1/2 inch TV. Well, I'll check in more often so I get used to the new GS. I also need to update my Avvy and Siggy. Thankies.

I'm pooped.

Friday, September 30, 2005-----

I'm gonna start putting the dates again. Just for the hell of it. Well, today was like the greatest day all of the school year. It was Lane's Spirit day, and everyone had dyed their hair and wore school colors (Green and Gold) I had LT and 06 painted on my face, and I dyed my hair green. And then we had a pep rally, it had showed all the teams (Freshie team, varsity, etc.) and the cheerleaders, dance team, etc. It was sick ^-^... The senior student council had their own like platform thingy. A car was dragging it around the track, and the teams were marching behind it. The band was playing different beats, and they are actually really good this year... Which is amazing. They played Flight of the Bumblebee, James Bond Themesong, Indiana Jones Themesong, and one of those new songs from a rapper (Lil' Jon I think... not sure, I don't like rap). They introduced all the Varsity players, and then we were all yelling crap to see who was louder in the stands. The seniors were yelling "06!", Freshies were yelling "09!", etc. It was awesome... it found it's way into the many halls of the school as well. The cheerleading squad isn't the greatest... They messed up a bit. So did the Baton people. The dance team was great... And the spirit ____ *Something, I forgot the second word* They swing around the Lane flags in a dance type thing... They were damn good, too. Well, then the rest of the school day was really short, since the pep rally was uber long. After school, me and my friends went to the Stadium and got some seats for the Homecoming Football game. Before the other team came they were making fun of them. I'm gonna throw away lots of the useless information I'm about to post. Now--- The damn Varsity team is doing great. They have like 5 wins 0 losses. And they beat the other team Whitney Young (The game today). The score was 42-0, they got owned. Well, it's 30 minutes to homecoming, I'm already ready. Just waiting for my friends. Later, people.


I've decided.

I'm going to see if my friends are going to homecoming or not. But, I really don't wanna wear formal clothing >_>. If they are, I'm going with them. So, thanks Randar said. Still, thinking if I should give the Revolution a chance or just blow my money on the X-box 360. I like the Halo and DoA series =D. And DoA4 looks good. You know what's kool =o? I was replaying Wind Waker over the weekend and got reminded of the kid with the snot hanging out of his nose. That kid is teh pwnage. I'm gonna make an avatar and sig of him if I can find a good pic =P. Hopefully, I won't get in trouble this week. I forgot to refill my bus card so I half to pay full price for the City Bus again >_>... Damn school. OH! And they're selling GameSpot T-Shirts! I'm gonna buy one that says 10.0. Or not >_>. I need to check how much they cost. (I'm most likely not gonna get one)

*Momo. I e-mailed you back :P. Sorry for the late reply, if it was late.

And *UE joined mah guild! My sister got him to join... but, still...



Yep, as usual. My first period class I have a really mean teacher, Mr. Ginsberg. I was late about 1 minute because of the bus... damn traffic. I hate it! And then he sends me to get a tardy slip. Even though he said that we was going to give us a warning on the first time we get late. So, I had an attitude with him. And started arguing. And now I have detention every morning all of this week. Well, I'm kinda late since it started Monday. It sucks. What sucks more is that Homecoming is next week and I don't have a date >_>. It's not like I care, since I hate Formal clothes.
