Alright, so I got Zack and Wiki today- and I'm up to the 5th level or something (Fishing stage). Died 3 times already, and stuck. Lol! Don't tell me the answer though. EDIT: Nvm. Got past it. Rofl. Dude kept waking up.
Anyways, let me state this right now. It's pretty challenging, but hell- it's only bound to get harder. And I'm looking forward to it. So, if you're worried about difficulty. Don't worry about it. I've logged about 2 hours in it so far. The first starting levels are easy, but get higher and higher in difficulty, and the stages begin to get bigger. My favorite level so far is the 3 Collosi (sp?), you do some cool things with the WiiMote. > > Even though it's simple flipping puzzle pieces and stuff.
The graphics of the game are awesome, especially the art style. I'm sure many sources have said this already, but it's very reminiscent to Wind Waker. Also, the animations are completely awesome. It's like a cartoon or manga or something, with the sweatdrops and the random character poses in the introduction of the game. Of course, Wiki's voice gets annoying every once in while. But that's such a small detail.
The music is pretty well done. And the sound effects and everything are fine (Why wouldn't they be). And the framerate, it dropped once so far on the fishing stage. But, it's not that noticeable.
Overall, it's an amazingly fun game so far. But it looks to be a bit short, it seems. Hopefully the puzzles later on will take longer times to do it.
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