Friday, September 30, 2005-----
I'm gonna start putting the dates again. Just for the hell of it. Well, today was like the greatest day all of the school year. It was Lane's Spirit day, and everyone had dyed their hair and wore school colors (Green and Gold) I had LT and 06 painted on my face, and I dyed my hair green. And then we had a pep rally, it had showed all the teams (Freshie team, varsity, etc.) and the cheerleaders, dance team, etc. It was sick ^-^... The senior student council had their own like platform thingy. A car was dragging it around the track, and the teams were marching behind it. The band was playing different beats, and they are actually really good this year... Which is amazing. They played Flight of the Bumblebee, James Bond Themesong, Indiana Jones Themesong, and one of those new songs from a rapper (Lil' Jon I think... not sure, I don't like rap). They introduced all the Varsity players, and then we were all yelling crap to see who was louder in the stands. The seniors were yelling "06!", Freshies were yelling "09!", etc. It was awesome... it found it's way into the many halls of the school as well. The cheerleading squad isn't the greatest... They messed up a bit. So did the Baton people. The dance team was great... And the spirit ____ *Something, I forgot the second word* They swing around the Lane flags in a dance type thing... They were damn good, too. Well, then the rest of the school day was really short, since the pep rally was uber long. After school, me and my friends went to the Stadium and got some seats for the Homecoming Football game. Before the other team came they were making fun of them. I'm gonna throw away lots of the useless information I'm about to post. Now--- The damn Varsity team is doing great. They have like 5 wins 0 losses. And they beat the other team Whitney Young (The game today). The score was 42-0, they got owned. Well, it's 30 minutes to homecoming, I'm already ready. Just waiting for my friends. Later, people.