My main fault with MMO's is ...
1) They try to balance every character class. People freak out if their 13 level Wizard can't solo as well as a 12th level fighter.
2) Any game that can calculate your damage in dps sucks IMHO. It means there are few or no tactics involved in combat. There is button pushing but is usually the same old sequence 90% of the time.
3) There is no sense of urgency - you cannot lose. The bad guys will never come over the hill and burn your town down because you failed to do xy or z.
4) Screwed up scale in the world - Creatures are too close to each other and because of that can only see 50 feet. If you are kickin the crap out of some creature no one will come to its aid if you are 51 feet away.
I am sure I could come up with more but these are the main ones. I have played a good number of them: Ultima Online (through Renaissance), UOX, Anarchy Online, WOW, EQ1 and EQ2, Vanguard, Guild Wars - sort of MMO, and D&D Online.
Never made it past 28th level in any of them Was bored before I could make it any further.
I had hopes for Warhammer Online but I think they have been crushed so now all I have left is DarkFall if it ever makes it to the store shelves.
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