[QUOTE="MarkSmith"]1. Will Halo 3 be on the ps3?
NO! The only time recently there's been that big a defection was rare being bought by MS. But Rare was not a first party. Bungie is a FIRST PARTY. They are owned by Microsoft. Quit asking of Halo 3 will be on the ps3. Its like asking if Burger King will start selling big Mac's
2. But I heard a rumor that (insert exclusive title on other platform here) will be on ps3!
Sorry, your neighbor saying his friend heard it is not a credible source. If you're going to make that type of a thread, AT LEAST have a link. Heresay has no value.
3. When is the ps3 coming out?
No one knows now, and if they say they do, they're lying. Plans are for sometime in mid 2006
4. Will the ps3 play PSP games?
No. See, Sony wants to make money off the PSP. If you could play PSP games on the ps3, nobody would buy a PSP, and developers would have no idea how strong the fanbase is, and what acceptable development costs are.
5. Why is it called "Final" Fantasy if there are 11 installments and counting?
None of the games are related, they all have different stores. (Not FFX and FFX-2, but FFX-2's story is so bad, that you should just do like me and pretend it doesnt exist. Also just pretend like the last scene in FFX didnt happen, and you'll be fine. The reason they originally calle dit that is becaus ethey were in financial trouble, and figured it'd be the final game they developed.
6. Why did (insert GS reviewer here) give (insert game here) this score?
Cause they felt like it.
7. Will the ps3 cost $500?
NO. Sony's greedy, but not dumb. Anything over 400, 350 really, will completely flop. Look at the Sega Saturn. If Sony were to ask $500, people would just move to pc gaming. If you're going to spend that much, you may as well have upgradeable parts. Also, the ps3 is looking like its going to be released in Japan for the US equivalent of about $330. After checking the consumer price index, I found that $300 back in 200 (the year of the ps2's release), that $300 then is approximately $330 now.
8. Is that Killzone trailer gameplay footage?
No, its not. Its an approximation of what Guerrila thinks it can make Killzone 2 look like. Sorry.
9. So should we bad mad at Sony for being deceitful?
Not really, the games showed at E3 for the X360 were running on G5's rather than real X360 hardware. All the companies pretty much do it.
10. Do I have to buy a HD-TV to play on the PS3?
No, but thanks to some shady U.S. laws, you may need a tv with a digital signal to watch t.v.
Anyone who wants to get a ps3 i might laugh at them. sure ps3 is braggin to be all so goo but serisously, 360 is real, we have seen it, the games look FREAKIN AWESOME even though they aint runnin on the 360 hardware. Ps3 may have all those game that have all the hype but 360 and Xbox in general is about the quality and it shows. all the games on Xbox kicked ass against ps2!! its anyones choice but im going with 360 over Ps3, since i can rely on my xbox not 2 break down like some *systems*, and i just dont wanna change, 360 has all the games that appeal 2 me. :P
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