Black & White 2
I liked this one, but it was missing some of the character of the original. I didn't exactly feel like a god either, which is supposed to be the point of this game.
Open ended gameplay? Dynamic world which changes based on the player's actions? I don't think so. Good game, but it did not live up to the hype. Almost all of the features we were promised were absent. The most missed feature would simply have to be the open free-roaming world. Instead, we got a world on rails.
Star Wars Galaxies
This could have been a HUGE license, drawing in tons of non-gamers into an MMO universe. Unfortnately, this one one was simply poorly executed. First mistake? Allowing players to be Jedi. Why would anyone NOT want to be a Jedi? Or on the flip side, they could have made EVERYONE Jedi! Set it during the KOTOR era! Instead we have a SW property that totally breaks continuity.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption
You were supposed to be able to play a Vampire, in DM-driven online sessions. Unfortunately, it was more headaches than it was worth.
Deus Ex 2
Simply missing a peice of the magic the first one had.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
Good game, however there is way too much dialogue. Another thing... if you want to get the absolute best rewards, you have to play a "good" alignment. This makes no sense. The point is you should be able to get comparable rewards either way you play -- good or evil. They just take a different form (different equipment, different skills, etc).
Everquest 2
I sunk more hours into the first Everquest than any other game I've ever played. I virtually lived it for almost 3 years. When EQ came out, it was in a class of it's own -- UO simply didn't measure up. With EQ2, it's nearest competition was WoW. IMO, WoW blew EQ2 away. WoW was simply more fun.
Final Fantasy VIII
FF7 was a tough act to follow, but the major flaw with FF8 was the magic system. FF7's Materia system is still my favorite. Also, that silly card game was a huge waste of time. I dumped tons of time into the card game alone, with not much to show for it except frustration. Also, the graphics looked extremely muddled, pixelated and grainy.
Final Fantasy IX
What's this? Another card game! And more muddled, pixelated graphics! You'd think they'd learn something from FF8, but again it couldn't top FF7.
Final Fantasy XI
Why on Earth did Square call this FF11? FFX broke the string of disappointing FF games for a while. This returns us to disappointment, It should have been FF Online, because FF should be single player. When I heard about the time commitments being comparable to Everquest, I was totally turned off. I did that once, never again.
Anarchy Online
Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. Plus none of my friends were remotely interested in playing, which would have been a huge help.
Ok, maybe that was 11...
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