Hey Everyone
Just finished my first year of university and looking forward to actually having some time to game. I missed out on a bunch of good titles earlier in the year, and in fact at the beginning of the PS3's life as I have only had my console for a year.
I currently own: NFS Shift, Star Wars: Force Unleashed 1, Final Fantasy XIII, COD MW2, Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction, Little Big Planet, and AC2. I would have to say my favorite game by far is AC2. Did not enjoy force unleashed at all, and only got ~10 hours into FFXIII and never touched it again.
I was thinking of: Uncharted (more interested in 2, but I hear its better to start with the first), Mass Effect 2, Demon Souls, Soul Calibur IV, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or the Prince of Persia collection. I have no idea which game to pick, as they all have amazing reviews. I loved AC2, but I think I might want a game with a different feel to it, as AC Brotherhood is very similar to AC2. What would you recommend? I am looking for an engrossing single player experience, multiplayer is a bonus. Weapon collection/skill customization/RPG elements would also be great. I am cautious about Mass Effect 2 because I haven't played the first game.
I see that you're a Fire Emblem gamer :) I'd like to recommend Valkyria Chronicles, its not on your list and its not a new game but assuming you enjoy Fire Emblem (like I do) you'd probably enjoy VC as wellsince its fairly similar. Its not an online game though but its still very damnfun and nearly perfect in my opinion.
As for the games you mentioned I'd say go with either Mass Effect 2 or Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Mass Effect 2 has a symptom of being well liked and AC well you enjoy the other AC you played so you'd probably enjoy that one too, anyway good luck :D
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