albyx's forum posts
I had to post this: I work for Gamestop, which owns EB Games, and THEY DO NOT GET BONUSES for pushing the 360 over the PS3. They do however push used systems, ALL used systems, because that's where they make money. On used crap. That's part of the reason they give horrible prices on trade-in. Their profit for game is dependent on the difference between what they buy it for and what they sell it for. But no employee gets a bonus for pushing one system over another unless it is a used system. Either way though, MAdden will sell big time because it always does. It has not changed in any way since 2000 except graphics and even then it's nothing jaw dropping. We'll have a midnight opening because of the morons who think the game is worth it and it'll sell well until good games start coming out this fall, which is unfortunate for us as gamers.
I only really want Twisted Metal 2 and the original Warhawk
Actually Dipsetofficial your wrong. Let's elaborate:
MS (as a company), flat out stole their GUI from Mac. All their Mice, keyboards, headset and general computer equipment is nothing new or special. Internet Explorer is just a redone version of Netscape, Xbox an Xbox 360 are just consoles, they weren't the first so they can't have that title. Console online was original only to Sega since they created the Sega channel way back in the day. I can keep going but I'll save that for another time.
Nintendo is a little bit more tricky but they have stolen ideas. For one, motion sensing. That was not their idea and they were not the first to put it in a console. (remember sega bass fishing controllers or eye toy).
Now of all the companies, sony ms and nintendo, NIntendo is the only one that can really be respected or argued for being original because they started in videogames and there only business is videogames.
Hmm why is everyone forgetting that Square-enix can't ditch Sony. They are tied financially through contracts up til 2015 and the last I remember Sony bailed out Square multiple times. I don't think they'll just let them go. Besides that all the DS final fantasies blow. So there really isn't that big of a loss. KH3 may end up on the wii but that's because exclusive games really are the way of the past.
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