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alchemist-Ed Blog

*sigh* School -_- and random junk

Wow im already back in school. Its only been a week and its already worn me out. Atleast the end of this month will bring a lot of the games i really want to get Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Phantasy Star Portable 2, Metroid: Other M they all sounds real awesome and i cant wait to play them

Wish i could've had a longer summer break felt like it was so short and it flew by, Oh well guess i will have to put up with it. Atleast im back in my culinary class though love being able to cook more often and learning more about the buisness. And as annoying as school can be i have some good friends and a few teachers that help make it easier so its not too bad. BUt good god! it also reminded me that girls are to distracting in school. Not enough clothes, not that thats a bad thing:P, but it makes it really hard to focus. Also still trying to get another girlfriend. Had 3 last year, and it did not work out with any of them. i guess i just need to keep trying.

Also my PSP wont read my games and its really ticking me off. It will sit there and load forever and then say "Disc could not be read." Which sucks because all i have is UMD's to play im going to start downloading my PSP games. The whole UMD thing sucks, i hate them greatly. Im hopeing i can get a bigger Memory stick 1st i have 2 GB and 4GB and both have a lot of things on them. 2GB is used for Music, pictures, and game data(although it has 3 movies on it)And the 4GB is used mostly for movies. My 4GB has the whole Welcome to the N.H.K(for free mp4 anime for psp visit anime show on it and the movie Forbidden Kingdom on it. 2Gb has more Music than i can remember too many pictures, too many savedata, and 3 Movie: (my favorite movie->)Drag Me to Hell, Dragonball Evolution, and FFVII ACC.. Wow got way off topic, lmao, oh well. I dont blog much because no one really reads min but if you do please comment on them.

Untill next time gamers....Get your Game on!

My brain is going to fry soon.

*Sigh* So many things going on, i wish i had good news....well i have a little. My dad had bad stroke back before last xmas and he is finally making a very slow recovery so thats good. And when school comes back around i will resume my culinary classes at my high school.

Although things are starting to get better, alittle anyways, i try to be positive as hard a that went back to school and she is doing well for someone wth so much stress on her. I would try to help her more often but i just dont know what i could do that would be helpful.

I wish i wasnt so cluless about this kinda stuff, and now that im reaching adulthood im being expected to act a certain way or get more responcible. which is fine but a lot of pressure. Man growing up kinda sucks.

Well now that i got that out. I ve been playing Monster Hunter Tri a ot. The online is real addictive. if any of you have it look me up. Name on it is Senou.

E3 totally blew me away. So much to look forward to. Finally a new Kid Icarus, DK country returns,literally. lol sorry. The new Zelda looks interesting too. Oh yea and Sonic Colors looks real fun too. Im real curious to see how well th Nintendo 3DS works sounds kinda fun.

Well im done now and to all you Gamers. Get your Game on! Sorry had too XD

Quote of the week.

So here it is: "Darkness exist in each heart... Those who would deny this fall ever further into darkness". Anyone who reads this what are your thoughts.

Feeling a lot better!

To any one who read this i just thought i would let you know i feel great. Thank to a girl i know. She reminded me of the reasons i have to be happy, and for that i owe her a big thank you. Also i usually change my user icon depeding on how i feel so it might change ita lot. This time i used Sonic because he always so upbeat and it thought was a good fit.

P.S. Oh! I changed my signature to.

Not Feeling Great.

I've been going through a lot of BS lately But i've beentrying to find ways to cheer myself up but so far nothing works. i just thought i let my friends know how I'm feeling. so wish me luck guys.

Zelda Allience is sweet.

A union i joined a while back that i just recently started to get active in. I started by checking to see what go's on there it's a pretty cool place i see myself be more active there for while. The monster hunter Union has been very quiet so now i have more online people to talk with. P.S. Witchblade is the best anime!

Christmas was beautiful!

Christmas was awesome this year i got a new PSP and a 4 gig memory stick with it. I also got some nice clothes too. But to top it off i got all 6 volume of my favorite anime WitchBlade if you are an anime fan i would recommend you watch this show. It is a very good show with a good script and a surprisingly sad ending. So Yea my Chirstmas was sweet.

Long time no see.

Now that i have my own computer i can get on gamespot more often. lately i have been playing Dissidia: Final Fantasy it's a real fun game with tons of matierial to keep you busy for a good while. I'm really looking forward to monster hunter 3 tri coming out in america next year, i gureantee it's goning to loads of fun . well anyway now that im back i'll try to visit the sight more often.

I'm back!

Now that the crazyness of Christmas is over im ready to get back on the gamespot wagon.

Now i can get back to the Monster Hunter Union and Nintendo union and se what the other hunter and fans are are doing.

Fight for Honor & Glory!

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