*Sigh* So many things going on, i wish i had good news....well i have a little. My dad had bad stroke back before last xmas and he is finally making a very slow recovery so thats good. And when school comes back around i will resume my culinary classes at my high school.
Although things are starting to get better, alittle anyways, i try to be positive as hard a that is.mom went back to school and she is doing well for someone wth so much stress on her. I would try to help her more often but i just dont know what i could do that would be helpful.
I wish i wasnt so cluless about this kinda stuff, and now that im reaching adulthood im being expected to act a certain way or get more responcible. which is fine but a lot of pressure. Man growing up kinda sucks.
Well now that i got that out. I ve been playing Monster Hunter Tri a ot. The online is real addictive. if any of you have it look me up. Name on it is Senou.
E3 totally blew me away. So much to look forward to. Finally a new Kid Icarus, DK country returns,literally. lol sorry. The new Zelda looks interesting too. Oh yea and Sonic Colors looks real fun too. Im real curious to see how well th Nintendo 3DS works sounds kinda fun.
Well im done now and to all you Gamers. Get your Game on! Sorry had too XD