Game's great. No doubts about that. But on this review they overlooked a lot of small details, which could have been polished.
I mean, some things are worst in GTA V than in GTA IV.
Cars don't have any weight, seem to float on the pavement. Camera, weird. When you turn using the handbrake, the camera should stay fixed, instead, it tries the follow the trunk of your car. Soundtrack? Compared to previous GTAs... sucks. Big time.
All of these examples, were a lot better on IV.
They focused a lot on graphics (sharper, more colorful, nicer and good framerate) and weather system works really nice, as in Red Dead Redemption (or even better).
MGS has the best stealth ever... been playing the last of us yesterday, and its stealth mechanics feel clunky and unfinished.
it's not right to compare both games just because MGS has an open world now.
anyway, i'm pretty sure he was talking about the concept of switching characters in real-time, and he feels depressed because is such a great idea, he wished he could had it for MGS V.
alechair's comments