'tis been quite sometime since my last blog, so lemme try to summarize the highlight :
- upgrade my OS to Win7, Ultimate of course,
- Tried Dragon Age, funny…I don't like the art so I left.
- Finished Dead Space (at last)
- Started Dirt 2, great graphics, very realistic.
- Downloaded Call of Juarez 2 in 3 weeks, finished the game in a week.
- Joined the Gamespot Fuse, therefore I create a Raptr account, check it out at http://www.raptr.com/alesmana
With that, let's fast forward to my present addiction, Mass Effect 2, i just wrote the review here.
Well I think that's enough for now, the game's really worth the hype, although I think I have to start taking it easy on it, I've been lacking sleep on weekend, and I think I skipped meal a few times, have to remember to live, I think for this week I'll just lay down, read magazines while listening to loungy Aphex Twins….kickback, 'till next weekend.