Hey guys I just saw GOW 3 for $30 brand new. Should I get it?
alex0589's forum posts
Hey today I will be picking up RDR, but I also have $30 to spare in another game. Any recomendations will be apreaciated. I mainly play single player since my internet sucks for multiplayer here.
Yeah almost everytime
Who has save you from a lot of trouble in a video game?(companion)
For me it has to be Fawkees in Fallout with his big shiny gun
THANX for the info dude.
I have never glicht, it happen to a lot of people from what I saw. There has to be a major problem, because I can not rank up again. I lost all my weapons and medals. Ohh well good thing I am a peace loving person. lol I hate EA
My rank reseted and I lost all my weapons. Also I dont get experience to rank up I stay in zero. This alsohappen to a couple of gus that I was playing with. Any ideas?
. You know the mission in Noveria do I really have to kill Wrex? My intimidate and charm lvl are two low. If I kill him will I get the achievement for the Krogan. I have done all the side quest and mission with him and the Turian, I dont want to do it again any way to evade this you know not kill him?????
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