Good Evening fine friends!
in a bar in Cyprus and i figure i'll write a short blog
so yeh hello!
in the bar i'm in theres these two singers and they suck
went to a waterpark yesterday went on all the rides twas ace
went on a speed boat round the island twas also ace
have to wait till thursday for harry potter which sucks
will writea longer blog when i get back
alex6992 Blog
The First Blog in a while...
by alex6992 on Comments
so i haven't written a blog in a while and i figure i'd write one now, this one is all about my week...
I began the week knowing that i had just 5 days of school left and then i would have none for 7 weeks which is basically the only thing that kept me going all this week because i was so tired all week and was annoyingly grumpy. For starters the year 11's had left and the year 10's were on work exp and so us year 9's were the oldest in the school (and i persoanlly was the 4th oldest in the entire school which made me feel special lol). My only friend in my form was off doing orchestra and tennis three days and i was off helping transition (i shall tell soon) on another day so apart from one day i was on my own in some classes and we had to partner up for a lot of stuff and it's really embarrasing when you have to go up the teacher and say you haven't got a partner.
So up till about thursday i had a sucky week but on thursday i had a cool day, the lessons were not so cool considering i had only one which i like (drama) the others i had were music, maths, science and pe and i've said before that i'm not very sporty. but yeh on thursday the years who are going to be in high school next year came to visit for the day and me being about 1 of 10 in the school that was a peer educators (we basically tell kids our age or younger bout problems they'll face. ie bullying, drugs blahhhhhh. and so we spent the first two lessons (thats music and science out the way) doing our sessions (my group were doing bullying) we then had top take the year 6's for a tour round the school and each of us had a group of around 16 to take around which wasn't that bad, we were then allowed to go for early lunch which was cool. So then i had Drama which we spent playing childesh games like duck duck goose but it was still fun.
Ahh Friday my last day as a year 9 pupil how fun, i spent maths basically doing no work and my teacher wasn't really bothered because we were both counting down until she didn't have to teach me ever again. And my last lesson was RE which kinda sucked but i digress... And at the final bell i literally let out a cheer and everybody stared at me which was funneh. After school i first went to the vets with my mum to get the dog his booster for going to the kennels and i then went with my friend and his parents to see HP OotP which despite what MWC says i maintain it was an excellent movie because of the amount of darkness they put into it and how it really showed that the characters aged a lot. When i got back i had the unfortunate task of packing for holiday but it's all good...
My Saturday started with the bark of my dog waking me up at 8am but i went back to sleep and got up at around half 10 with a decent sized day ahead. First of all i had to walk to the post office to get holiday insurance while my mum was getting a pedicure, i then got a haircut at the same place my mum was because its close to where we live and in a cool shopping type of place which has a garage, a pet shop, two grocery stores, a shoe shop, a computer shop, a news agents, a toy shop, a hairdreesers with a beauty place as well, a very nice cafe and a chip shop i actually had a good few hours there because i had my haircut which took about 5 minutes i then went to the cafe next door and got two egg, bacon and sausage sandwiches for myself and my mum, after eating that i got a magazine to read whilst waiting for my mum. I then had to take my dog to the kennels which i felt horrible about leaving him there but i suppose i'll live, finally i went to town to get some last minute stuff and then watched tv and now here we are!
So yeh going on holiday tomorrow for two weeks.
Yuh gonna miss me?
Another Badge!
by alex6992 on Comments
Yay due to my excessive contributing yesterday and and ( around 80 in two days) i've now grabbed the Captain Contributor now i need the Social Butterfly so anyone add me?
by alex6992 on Comments
My Super Awesome Day!
by alex6992 on Comments
Today wouldn't actually be considered super awesome to some because people like them but it was cool for me because i usualy spend my Saturdays on my computer, fun as you can imagine.
This weekend was my school's annual Summer Fun Day which they have the orchestra play, football (soccer to you americans) tournaments bottle stalls and just general stalls to make money. I originally had a plan to go see Shrek 3 with a load of friends and then go to the funday with them but during the week they all dropped out for various reasons until it was left with me and Oliver but because of neither of us having money we decided to just go straight to the fun day, but my day actually started at 8am to which i get a shout from my mum telling me that she's had a text of oliver (i give my mum's number to my friends because mine's never charged) saying he can't come, oh joy. Quite dejected i go back to sleep and wake up at about half 11 which is when i was supposed to meet Oliver and i'm half way down the stairs when my mum shouts once again 'Oliver's on the phone, he says he on his way' so i'm really confused at the moment and i get the phone and said that i thought he couldn't come n he tells me that he never texted me. Turned out it was my other friend.
So we finally get to the fun day and after about 10 minutes find people we know and start talking to them, we then loitered around the field for a few hours, we looked at the orchestra and all had several goes on the bottle stall which ended up in us all winning several bottles of alcohol but because we're underage we weren't allowed to take, good job olivers mum was there, so after lots of alcohol journeys to the car i ended up having my hat stolen by about 5 different people to which i had to run around the field around 5 times. We then had a very fun game of phone hide and seek (read JCC to find out what it is) and then lots of people leave until it's just me, oliver and laura. Now i don't hang round with Laura in school, not because i don't like her or she doesn't like me but i just don't really. But anyway we decided to go into town but first we had to make a stop at her house to take her bottles back, this is the bit i really like now, she had a bag on her and 3 bottles of fizzy stuff and a bottle of wine, oliver originally took the wine and a bottle of fizzy stuff and i had a bottle of fizzy stuff as did Laura but she also had her heavy bag, right after that oliver gave her the other fizzy stuff and started to walk off to go to hers, i take it back this is the bit i really like, i shout oliver back saying 'why did you give that bottle back to Laura she's already got a bottle and her bag, i then get a bottle off her and she compliments me on being such a gentleman8) .
When we get to hers we put the bottles away and started walking into town and lots of interesting conversations especially one about clothes and how everyone in school always have to have really expensive stuff and she's saying how she thinks its stupid and that its just the same without the label, wow i've never heard a girl say that, especially ones that live in really nice houses in a really nice estat, on the way to town we ended up stopping at two other fun days which were considerably better then ours lol. When we did finally get into town i asked Laura where she wanted to go and again she compliments me on being a gentleman 8) and after go around shops like topshop, new look, burtons in which she made me try on really gay gay as in actual gay not in a derogtary way) looking stuff but it was fun seeing as no one had pictures.
After going around a few more shops and deciding on making a new sitcom called 'Chums' in which we all live in New York and have a pink bathroom and a blue living room we decide to call it a day and Laura calls her dad to pick her up and oliver calls his mum to pick us up. We're now about a 5 minute walk from where she was getting picked up and i insisted on me and oliver walking her to where she was going and again she compliments me on being such a gentleman 8) except this time she kinda has a go at me for it 'stop being such a gentleman' she has a really quite voice as well so even when she was nearly shouting she was quite. So she gets picked up and i'm standing there like wow, this girl who i barely ever talk to turns out to be really nice and down to earth even though her parents are near rich and i was getting on with her and laughing with her about random stuff.
I get home with all my wine n stuff and my mum goes out for the night as per usual and around 9 i get a text off her and i never get texted or anything let alone by a girl the only time girls come in contact with my phone signal is when they're pranking me and so even though everyone in our year has everyone's number for some reason, now under normal circumstances her texting me would be cool but not now because i have no credit and my mum's gone out. Fantastic. So that is my super amazing day.
Make Tea Not Bombs!
My Bad Day (why i continue to name my blogs beginning with My... i don't know)
by alex6992 on Comments
Well it's that time of the week for my blog! Actually it's not, that day is Friday but i thought that i may as well write a blog to tell you all about my sucky day and after that i will continue to tell you about how i'm a bit down in the dumps lately wow this makes me feel really sad now, sad is as in thats upsetting and sad as in weird sad.
So when i got up this morning i almost felt that i was going to have a bad day and that started when i wanted to go on the computer and it took 15 minutes to load firefox not much i know but still, so anyways i leave and nearly miss my bus and i'm really not a runner at all as you'll find out later on in the blog, but i get on my bus out of breath and sit on the back seat (which is rare but it was only because two people who are usually on weren't)
But yeh usually we play a little game in which out of the window if you see a yellow car you shout 'yellow car tax no return' and punch someone in the arm now when we play we usually get different people but it was different today, today they all decided to punch me instead so by the end of the bus journey i was in a lot of pain and had several bruises on my arm suffered at the hands of 4 people 2 of which who had rings on punching you several times and one who is supposedly colour blind and sees all remotely yellow colours as yellow and punches and that person is one who has a ring.
Yeh so i get to school with my arm practically hanging off and one of my 'friends' who i don't like goes and tells my friends and stupidly i then said well at least it's not my birthday because what comes with birthdays... birthday 'digs' at which the idiot i don't like shouts across the yard to all the year 9's 'It's Gary's (gary is a nickname which i have been called ever since yr 5 when the only fools and horses christmas episode in which a smelly imigrant called Gary was in) birthday today, so i get chased into the toilets and punched to hell again.
So by now i'm in a foul mood with bad lessons all day including PE and like i said i'm not much of a runner and what do i find we are doing in PE, running laps around the field. I'm dying inside at this point and just cannot stand the thought of running 1000m round the field. But i do it eventually with everyone mocking me along the way 'go on gary' and then laughing as i walk past, a fun time as i'm sure you can imagine.
And now i will tell you about my down in the dumps feeling at the moment, next week in school is the French trip (people go to France for a week) and also the Glan Llyn trip (people go to glan llyn for the last 3 days of the week (wednesday, thursday, friday) and i put my name into to go to both but coincidentaly and unluckily i didn't get picked for either whilst everyone i hang round with did so next week i'm going to be extremely bored and friendless, woo.
Finally i'm now watching a very bad copy of The Da Vinci Code from the library which keeps skipping, wow what a very long blog, leave comments?
Make Love, Not War .
My Musical
by alex6992 on Comments
Per order of Jd_Newbie i'm going to write my latest blog on my near fight in music which i named My Musical original yeh?
So in my form class there are several idiots who i fortunately am rarely in their classes one because i'm quite intelligent (not being bigheaded or anything i'm just stating facts hehe) but also partly because they're dumb as a post (actually the post is smarter than them) so as you heard in my previous blog the army day which we were supposed to have was cancelled so we had to go normal lessons and everyone was quite annoyed.
Into music where no chairs are setup so we just had to grab one and sit round the sides and lucky for me i was sitting next to the idiots, so i'm sitting there talking to my friend when suddenly Mason (who is about 5 foot tall which is small for a year 9 and he is also very mouthy and very very annoying) gets his chair with him on it throws it at me (not in that way) and fairly i was very annoyed and pushed him away at which point he does it again, now i'm pissed off i stand up and push him away again, then he drops his chair and pushes me and i push him back and go to swing for him but at that point the oushover music teacher walks in and shouts at us and the trainee music teacher who was there the whole time stands there shocked to see what had happened.
After we all sit down he starts mouthing again saying things like 'when i see you out of school i'm gonna knock you out' and i say 'yeh sure you are small pint' he then says about how he's going to get knits(sp?) off me (yeh i'm not popular at all in school) to which i reply 'yeh and i'm gonna get SMALL pox off you' and then he gives the smartest reply he can think of... 'Shut up'.
So there you have it my near fight, i shall now tell you about my planned night, my mum's going out tonight so i've rented The Da Vinci Code and It's A Boy Girl Thing (i'm a sucker for the romcoms) i also have my computer next to me (duh) and the new Tomb Raider game and 1 and a half bottles of pepsi (they'll probably be gone by later heh) and currently i'm watching the cricket and Englanare well (for once) West Indies are 95-4. I leave you with the world famous riddle, What came first? The chicken or the egg?
and also the nicely fitted with this blog anti-war sentence...
Pick flowers not fights!
My Monday
by alex6992 on Comments
Well breaking my new friday blog scheme i have decided to write a blog today to tell you all about my maths exam.
My friend and i went to see my maths teacher to ask herwhat we got in our 3rd and final maths exam now my aim was 100 in total which would be a level 7 (highest level i can get) and with my previous results being 24/30 and 39/60 i neeed 29 to get a level 7 (92 for those who aren't too good at adding) but more importantly i needed 38 to get 100/150 so we ask what we got and she gives my friend's mark first...
56/60 giving him a grand total of 126, the ******* **** how dare he do so good in the exam, anyways i ask what i got...
41/60 yay i got 104 which is 4 more then i wanted (truthfully it's actually 104 more then i expected) so this is how our conversation went
Me: Well why do you expect me to do so good (incidentally as i type this England have just grabbed the 10th wicket and have won the test with a 3rd umpire decision lol, so stik it stikky (notice how i mispelled stick) england win and retain the wisden trophy) when i never do
Her: That's not true, in year 7 and 8 you were in the top 5 of the class what's happened
Me: Things change
Her: Like what!
Me: I discovered the computer, oh don't tell my mum bout that at parents evening (could i say a stupider thing?) she won't let me on it anymore
Her: Well maybe i should!
Me: Uhh whatever i got a level 7 didn't i so it doesn't really matter
Her: It does actually matter a difference like this could mean a difference between an A and a B
Me: Can i go now?
Her: Fine but you should do better and revise more
so there you have it my end of year exams!
Bye for now
Something I Think
by alex6992 on Comments
Much like Hakuooo i have decided to write a blog every friday which will entale my usually unattractive, uneventful and under achieving week so here we go...
Ahh Saturday and yet another family gathering at my grandparents house usually incredibly boring considering i only have one relative my ageish (9-16) that can hold a solid conversation (ones just annoying and the other is equally annoying) so the one relative i talk just happens to be my cousin joeho never goes to these things but did this time and we had a laugh. Anyway that bit was just boring but you can't look forward to reading anything different in this blog.
So on monday i went back to school after a halfterm which i looked forward to staying up till all hours on my computer but i assume you've read my previous blog. So i had the crappiest half term imaginable and i get back to school to hear my friend saying 'so have you revised for the maths exams' *note to self do not stayy off ill on the last day of term where they tell you to revise for exams* so totally unprepared i go in and get 24/30 in the mental maths exam which is kinda good but i still have two more exams within the week, anyway on to a new subject in my school life
Dinnertimes can be the most boring times especially if your friends all play tennis when you're just pathetic at all sports but one, so i decided to hang round with joe's brutal yet hilarious friend and on the first day of hanging out with them i get a bloody lip, ahh the joy a dog pile with me on the bottom fun fun fun. I then find out about the army day which we're having on thursday which i am not particularly looking forward to seeing as i'm not exactly sporty per say.
After we do our second maths exam the next day i ask my teacher at every opportunity i get if she's marked them which was really fun because i really hate her so annoying her is just fun. Finally on wednesday after school i get my result, a perfectly respectable 39/60 and she shouts at me for it! 'Alex you shoud be getting in the 50's you're supposed to be one of the smartest in the year' quite a responsibility don't you think. Then i hang round with my new found friends and end up with a dropkick in the back. owwwwwwww.
Finally today i had my final maths test which i found really easy, bite that miss roberts biatch.
And also i didnt get many people taking the mic out of me for various reasons like my hair and i decided to do the army day on a count of a really annoying fat lad in my year who thinks he can run the field several times
bye for now
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