Really poignant episode, coming out of 2015. Last year was the year prelease made and broke games. Of all the games I played in 2015, the one I went into knowing the least about was Tales from the Borderlands. It was my favourite game of the year. I think hype is useful; like most people I have limited time and resources, so I decide what to buy and play based on trailers, reviews, recommendations. Sometimes journalists really don't help. The article posted on gamespot today, comparing the Division to Destiny, is exactly that. Hype is great, being really excited for a game for ages, as I have been for the Division since E3 2013, getting the game on launch day and loving it feels special. People's mistake isn't in getting hyped for a game. Get excited about it, and play it. Then make sure you can think about it in two ways. Compare it to what you thought it would, or wanted it to, be. And then try and play it objectively. How does it stack up, as a game, ignoring everything you knew or thought before you played it yourself?
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