alexdt / Member

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LOTR Battle for Middle Earth (o how disappointing

oooo boy where do i start. BFME huge disappointment. Guys at EA made this game sound waaaaaaaay too good. I was kinds pissed. I was expecting some great huge enormous battles. I think i speak for alot of us when i say this. People were expecting muliplayer to be long vigorous battles amounting thousands of troops. And they made it sound like this too. In all the previews and devolpler interviews here at gamespot i saw they kept saying that you will control thousands of units, when in reality you wont even go over a command limit of 800. To make an example of how bad this is, remmeber in the movie and in the books how many soldeirs there were in the battle for helms deep? command limit for BFME (drum role)


:| yes 80. hmm yes ok 80 yes. WTF! first of all even the all time classic "starcraft" (not makin fun of it or nutin) had more than 80 units under one map they had up to 300 i believe, oMG its the one of the great battles of Middle earth and they give you 80 troops. They could of done waaaay more. why? i didnt understand. So if sum ea guy reads sersously, why? e-mail me. pissses me off. i quite right there didnt even want to see how badly they F'ed up batttle against the White city.

another was they made it sound like games could get up to 3 hours, but with the little strategy involved for some factions the game can end quite quickly. Also not much strategy just felt like i was building troops & sending them into battle. and its almsot impossible to defend your base and send aide to your ally do to low command points(grrrrrrr).

singleplayer wasnt what it seamed either, technicaly you really dont just attack whatever province you want in BFME they pretty much quide you every where. And anothe lie is you dont really decide if gandalf lives or dies, you dont have a choice. Gandalf has to defeat the Belrog in the Mines of Moria, you have to win the battle of helms deep, you have to take over Isengard. It would of been EXcelent if the game just ran on its own, instead of being guided through the game.

*sigh* 12/06/2004 was a terrible day for EA in my opinion. Me and my freind were like worshiping this game and just ithcing for the gaems release. Im sure you know what our reactions to it was.