recent: mafia was a great game & still is. the few who still play the pc version im sure were pointlessly crossing their fingers for the multiplayer patch . . . that never came. I too was sad after reading some old forums to find out it was canceled or sum1 just made it up, either one.
old time: I remember playing mafia on my dads computer ( back when i did have my own) geting yelled at to "turn it down" and the frustration from the bombardment of police blockades, think i was about 13 maybe younger then. Mafia was probaly so great becasue it had a good story line and plot, and getting to walk around with pump action shotgun under your trench coat, & acting like you you own little italy was the best part. also you get that kewl strut :wink: Just made you feel like the man and you were. I remember the most frustrating difficult part of all was the car race. OMG. the car race, how i loaaaaaaaaaathed it. all turns, braking, accelration, comprimising, seperating, and crashing had to be PERFECT(literally). For the next 3 days my life's goal was to beat that mission. after i beat it there was great pride. that was definatly one of the most difficult momments in gaming history for me any way, ill always member tat. i remember how sad i was when paulie died. why were we such greedy bastards? :cry: but i got over it. :D the end was pretty hard but i the race track was harder. mafia was a great game i still play it once in awhile.
Iv heard rumors and talk about mafia 2. And i would beleive it if it were true, considering how many copies they sold over the years. They just recently came out with mafia on the PS2 so i doubt they will be releasing it soon. They will try to make as much money on mafia 1 while they can.