I was all prepared to go on a rant about how you didn't include Irenicus as one of the best villains ever. But then you mentioned him in the comment about the Reapers and in a back-handed comment made mention of the fact that he was such an incredible villain to go up against. Good job!
I liked it better when they were called Expansion Packs. The only Expansion Pack I can think of in the last several years was the one for Dragon Age: Origins. I'm sick of this DLC crap. You could purchase most games over again with the amount you'd be spending on the total DLC content released for most successful games. I'm sick and tired of it. Just give me long, featured filled expansion packs like I used to get.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Bioware released a patch to improve the look of the game, ala Betheda with Oblivion. Even on the PC, the game looks markedly pathetic compared to Bioware's last endeavor; Mass Effect. I don't know why this game looks so bad, console or otherwise. Hell, I think Jade Empire has about the same texture level as Dragon Age does on the 360. Still doesn't keep me from enjoying it. Worth every cent.
@shinyary2 Your comment about Steam being a good form...personally I'd have to disagree. If anything it's one of the most intrusive forms, without actually installing root kits on your computer. It forces you to go online to be able to play the game (even if you want to play in offline mode, you have to online first to clarify it as such) and not mention there ARE still people out there who don't use/have high speed internet. Or maybe where they go on vacation they simply don't have access to it. That means they can't play the game. Not to mention you have to have Steam running to be able to play the game, and by this (as opposed to having to be online while having steam running) I mean not only does your computer have to run your game, it also has to run Steam. Now if your computer is hardly a benchmarking system, to have to run a game (say one like Empire: Total War which taxes a mid-level computer to it's limits) AND Steam at the same time...that reduces the amount of "power" -both processor and memory- that your computer can devote to your game. Frankly I still think the best DRM is the tried and true serial number. As people have said; those people who WANT to pirate, will pirate regardless of whether the games have DRM. However if you add DRM like SecuROM, or Steam that will only deter the average person who has previously never thought of pirating a game, to pirate it. DRM needs to be as limited as possible. As rampant as piracy has become it's blatantly obvious DRM isn't stopping anything. So at least make it friendly for the people who actually buy it. Stop putting install limits on the games. Stop having to connect to the internet while you have to play. Stop having to run background programs (like Steam) to run it. It only serves to further alienate those prospective buyers who decide to pirate it (or not buy it at all) because of the intrusive DRM imposed upon them.
How can this say that Valve has completely renounced DRM, when it's Digital Distribution System is DRM in and of itself? Even if you don't download the game via Steam, there are still dozens of games out there that you have to register with Steam, and have Steam running to play. That uses up precious resources of the computer. Valve may not use SecuROM for it's DRM, but I would consider it a blatant lie to say they have renounced it, if their games (as well as any other company who hosts their games on Steam) use Steam as a form of DRM. The ONLY company out there that truly denounces the use of DRM is Stardock. Their form of "DRM" is by only offering free updates to those who register online. You don't even have to type in the serial number when you initially install it. And unless you happened to digitally download it (as opposed to buying the package) you don't even need to have Impulse running, or much less even installed on your computer. And for that, I will never pirate a Stardock game. They make great games, and I appreciate their stance on DRM. I will always support a company that takes a stance like Stardock.
The only surefire way to break a so called "videogame addiction" (which is hogwash) is for the parent to walk up behind their kid, and crack them in the skull so hard they immediately put down the controller and take the trash out. Problem solved.
I am disappointed by the lack of mentioning COMODO for a free firewall. I've had that since the day I got my laptop. It is absolutely beastly. You'll have a hard time trying to find a firewall to pay for, that's better than COMODO.
alexkn64's comments