i am going to do one these blogs every time a really cool games is on my wish list so lets start.
your are playing a the couriea you have to deliver a letter to some one but you are shoot by some one you are saved by a robot called victor you wake up in the town of good springe were you wake up in the clink and then you have to destroy the power gangers thats all i know about fallout new vegas story.
that is the tv inside the robot victor here are the weapons grenade launcher,army assult rifle,cowboy pistol and a obital missile and i know a unique weapon called the virgin mary there is a new follower call raugh (i nont know how to spell it ) how is a goul you rescue from the black mountins it is swarming with super mutans
i know some new bad guys like super mutants,gekos,power gangers and the new calfornian republc new armour like combat armor,vault 22 jump suite,new calafrinan republic comabat armor and a cowboy suite
new vegas is a lot sunnyer and there is a lot of wild life in vegas there locations like the hover dame,casionos and a hotel with a ginate fake dinosaure there is also a air base and a ginat laser tower
there it is every thing i know about new vegas