Another unexpected game?:P
This game is the first RPG I played and the best. Falling short of Neverwinter Nights in terms of graphics and even sound, the greatest strength of this game lies in it's gameplay system and it's amazing plot.
As in all RPGs the first thing to do is to make your character. With all the choices of race, clas etc given to you, even just creating characters can be fun. Every choice you make has it's own pros and cons and this gives you the opportunity to carve yourself into your computer character.
The game starts as a direct continuation to the prequel and you find yourself in a dungeon with a few of your old friends. Talking to your old friends gives you an insight into what happened in the first game and what you're in for now. Escaping from the dungeon also serves as a sort of tutorial mission, teaching you the basics of the gameplay and also making you aware of how certain things in the game need to be handled.
The real game kicks off when you get out of the dungeon. You'll find yourself with a huge city to explore, plenty of NPCs to ineteract with, some of which give you very inetresting information and quests. There are quite a few characters which can be taken into your party, and each of them have a personality of their own, which will make you feel almost as if they're real people. All the objectives promise to give you a very fun gameplay experience and also show you how big the city and it's surroundings are.
Although the rest of the game is like your usual RPG, one thing that makes this game stand out amongst all of them is its superb plot. You're presented with mysterious motives and even more mysterious characters early in the game. As you play further into the game, the mystery slowly starts to unravel itself but tends to get crazier. After all the twists and turns which you struggle to figure out, the final link is placed only in the last stages of the game. By this time this revelation occurs, the events in the game wil have taken you to such an exciting point that you just can't leave the game. I remember playing the last bits again after completing the whole game. That's how much fun it really was.
One last thing about thsi game is its length. It'll take a decent amount of time to finish it, but with the kind of gameplay it has, you'll be far from bored by the time you reach the end.
This game deserves a review MUCH better than what I can write. RPG fan or not, if you want a game that's fun, last for some time and most importantly, actually runs well on your system, get this. Play this through even once, and you'll never forget it.
As for my final game......I guess it's pretty obvious but still, cookies for guessing it:P