Great new show. And a great way to sum up all the differences between the two consoles.
Personally, I intend to wait at least a year before I get a next gen console. If I even get one. I've been a PC gamer since forever and I've never really felt the need to buy a console in addition to a PC. If the exclusives are good enough or if, once all the kinks of both systems are ironed out, something about either console really appeals to me I might get one.
People simply fail to understand that reviews are OPINIONS. Whether the review in question is written by an individual or someone working for Gamespot or IGN, it remains their opinion about the game. And everyone is entitled to have their own opinion about something.
A recent example off the top of my head is Bioshock Infinite. There was nothing I didn't love about that game. Zilch. Yeah, it could have been better, but there was nothing I disliked about it. Yet, every time I voiced my opinion about the game being brilliant, I got flak from people for my opinion.
As far as reviews by professional reviewers are concerned, they're required to look at all aspects of a game, including things which would be ignored by you or me. A guy who's played every COD game since the beginning would look for different things in a new COD game as compared to someone who's looking to buy their first COD game. The first guy would inevitably compare a new COD game with the older ones, but the second one just might want to know if the game is fun to play. So if the Gamespot reviewer doesn't bash the new COD game for not being as good as its predecessors and instead praises it for its gameplay and gives it a high score, guy#1 gets upset and claims the reviewer was paid for writing good stuff.
Being a psychology major, I agree with all the points Cameron's made. We, as humans, tend to look for patterns in everything. That's what causes optical illusions. Additionally, everyone wants to be 'right' and have their opinions verified and supported by others in society. So if a string of games you dislike gets good scores by Gamespot, you start to feel that you're 'wrong' about all those games. And you obviously don't want to feel that way. So you subconsciously see a pattern and start to think that Gamespot is being paid to give good reviews. You can't possibly be 'wrong' about so many games so the people who disagree with you are were paid and their reviews are therefore illegitimate. And thinking this way makes you feel good so you start believing it.
I'm sure paid reviews do exist, but a "conspiracy" seems a bit far fetched and highly unlikely because of the degree of organisation and secrecy that would be required.
@LordCrash88 Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I loved BSI, not for the gameplay, but for the story and the setting and the entire experience. I intend to play it at least once more, if not more than once.
Even I agree that it doesn't have a lot of those elements that made Bioshock great, but then it has great elements of its own that make me love it.
When it comes to Bioshock Infinite, I don't exactly trust any reviews any more, because they all seem to evaluate the game too critically. Instead of seeing BSI as a standalone title, people tend to compare to the original Bioshock and how it doesn't compare to it. Now I guess that's extended to the DLC too.
I've been looking forward to this DLC, after seeing all the videos etc. about how it shows Rapture before it's fall. After reading this review, I'm even more intent on getting it. Yeah, maybe it won't live up to what Bioshock is all about, but if judged only for what it is, without comparing it to other games, it definitely sounds fun.
Finally we get something new and innovative in the console FPS genre. For those who are complaining that it's like CoD, remember that it's a shooter, so similarities will obviously be there.
What really excites me about this game is the wallrunning and jumping and the coop multiplayer. And shooting the titans in the head (?) is supercool.
Yes, gamers use online services a lot, and some even stay online all the time. And I really appreciate the fact that publishers are adding more and more online services to their games. Hell, being a PC gamer, even I'm online all the time and do all my gaming with an internet connection for the purpose of tracking playtime and achievements, and chatting with friends. But being online is a CHOICE I make and I do not want to be forced to be online 24x7.
If Steam didn't let me play my games offline, I wouldn't buy a single game on the platform. I live in South Asia, and even though I pay a premium to have the best internet connection available in my country, it still goes down from time to time. Even if my connection was perfectly stable, I still want the OPTION of being able to play offline. What if I want to play on my laptop while on a vacation or if I want to play games at college?
Gaming online or offline is a choice that should be left to the gamers, and not be forced onto them by companies for a little extra cash. It's not only wrong, it'll also alienate many prospective buyers.
I loved the first two games of the series. Brotherhood onwards, annual releases ruined the series for me. I'm not spending more than $10 on Black Flag.
This has more to do with the guy they have on the cover than any other factors. Those who play the game as a shooter rather than an RPG or even as a shooter with RPG elements would just pick the default male Shepard.
Even if the majority of the players are guys, I'm sure a lot of them might be playing as femshep and a lot of girls too might be playing as a male Shepard.
alext_b's comments