Gamespot reviews used to be fair when jeff and the others used to review it but they were sacked now the people who do the reviews today arent very fair i mean they gave gears of war 2 a 9.0 fable 2 8.5 far cry 2 8.5 resistance 2 9.0 its like the rating system is broke and it wont let the score go past 9.0 lol also these are the guys who gave grand theft auto a 10 A 10!!! i mean come on 10 means perfect best game ever nothing wrong with it and wierdly they give it 2 bad points of the game and far cry 2 had 2 bad points so do many other games, so should they get a 10 if gta iv got a 10 yes if it has 2 bad points then they must give it, plus the 2 bad things about gta iv that gamespot gave is bad graphics in some area's SOME!!! dont u mean most because when i played gta iv evry time i turned round the corner the wall was always had no texture or the game was really fuzzy , the next bad point was it had problems with the freindly ai wich is pretty big problem compared to the other games that have 2 bad points about them and another thing about gta is it keeps freezing on some other peoples consoles wich is like super big because you cant play the flippin game then , its just really annoying the way gamespots reviews are misleading gamers into not getting the game wich had a bad review but remember its thier opinion and everybody has thier own opinion so if u want the game but gamespot gave it a bad review but say its a skateboarding game for example and you were really hyped about the game and love skateboarding games but gamespot gave it the review you were hoping for but the public gave it alot better score than it is and remember the public has a better review because the public are millions of people against about 10 guys so always take the word from the public and if gamespot gave it a bad review ans so did the public then i would say stay away from it but again thats my opinon so get it if you one last thing if gamespot gave it a good review and so do the public then GET IT!!! because its 100% amazing thanks for reading my blog just thought i would get my point across oh and the only reason i gave gears of war 2 a 10 is because i wanted to give it a 9.8 but it wouldnt let me so dont go shouting your mouth off.
alextr3m3 Blog
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