gow2 does hav better graphics and lighting i just think the brightness is to high on gow 2 i hav both games cand i can tell that gow 2 is way better on graphics maybe not in pictures but in motion
fighterhayabusa your wrong 60 players online in gow2 would just be annoying and unbalanced imagine it gears of war 2 is about in ur face and and close combat because 60 players running around in gow 2 is stupid you be dieing every 5 seconds and about the 7 gig dvd rom games and 40 gig blue ray games shutup u dont no what ur talkin about the only reason y blueray has so much gig is because its slow as hell so game designers dulicate the data on the disk so it wont be as slow get ur facts right 2 player co-op vs 8 player co-op like i said b4 it woundnt be right even in campaign u would get through the story in like 1 hour because 8 ppl against bots is just unbalanced and ruines the whole gameplay ppl woudnt use cover any way gears of war 2 is far more addictive so get lost with fake facts.
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