algertman's forum posts
I noticed some game don't change much, RE4 or Excite don't even look different to me.
Zelda and Mtroid on the other look alot better. Metroid looka positively stunning
naw APF 2k8 is comeing out a day before that so im going with thatallen30009Me as well
Damn!!! that Zelda review scarred Jeff's reputation for life, no one likes his reviews anymore.Muhannad_basic
Tony Hawk did it well before that
I've got it. Only just finished the training levels (takes a little while). I'm about to dive into a Live match, if there are any up yet.
So far, even just from the training, I can tell you this game rocks.
MAN! Make me more crazy about this game. I gotta go fid somewhere that has it tonight THEN do some college homework THEN I get to play it.
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