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Hurricane Katrina Oversaturation

I was talking with my editor Friday about all the talk about the Hurricane down in New Orleans. All over the Internet, all over the television, all over the radio, all you hear about is Katrina. People act as if there has never been a hurricane ever to hit America and kill so many people. Hurricane Andrew didn't get this much coverage, Hurricane Fran didn't get this much coverage and it completely destroyed the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Now I may not be the most emotional guy around, but c'mon. For two straight weeks, I can't open a newspaper, turn on the news or even check out the news online without being plastered with information about the Hurricane. When you have minute-to-minute coverage, how much can really happen in that time span? Everybody is out that is going to get out, the water is receeding, the damage has been done. Enough with it already!

I was watching the Carolina Panthers football game today and all I heard was how good the Saints were doing because the Hurricane hit and they were fighting back from adversity. Give me a break, every one of those players has seven digit figures at least for their paychecks. They can afford to rebuild, they can afford to move. And they talk about how bad they have it. Go live in one of those flooded houses for a week with no food or water. Go live in the Superdome for a week and tell me how bad you have it.

I remember very vividly the events of 9/11, I wrote multiple stories over it for the paper and a very long and awarded column over it. But there was not this much talk about it. For a week, it was all over the news about the cleanup and recovery. And about a week later it slowly started to fade away. There was still a lot of talk about the cleaup but there wasn't as much. We are entering the third week of coverage and we are still getting minute-to-minute coverage of this. The death toll probably won't even hit a thousand and we're having the coverage pushed down our throats.

I feel for the people, I've donated my money to the United Way, I've bought one of the Fight the Flood T-Shirts from Bungie. It's not that I don't care about the people, I'm just sick and tired of having coverage crammed down our throat of a natural disaster that we hard warning of. 9/11 was more serious, it was deadlier and it was more touching to American lives, so why do we not hear nearly as much about it as we have about Katrina? The world may never know.