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Oscar Travesty

2005 was arguably one of the worst years Hollywood has seen in years. It took a horrible superhero movie to pull it out of a slump that had lasted for months. So it was no surprise when the Oscars were predicted to be less than popular this year. But certainly, the Academy did not help things.

Best Picture: Crash was a great movie, don't get me wrong there. I really enjoyed the 148 different cuss words throughout the film. I never knew somebody could say F*** so many times in one sentence, let alone a conversation. And then there's the competition: Capote, Brokeback Mountain, Good Night, and Good Luck, and Munich. That's a pretty good list. Crash, in my opinion, was definitely the weakest of the five movies. And Cinderella Man deserved the spot more. I wouldn't go as far to  say Cinderella Man deserved best picture, that nod should have gone to Brokeback Mountain or Munich. But by giving the win to Crash, the Academy is extending an olive branch to the multiracial community.

Best Director: Ang Lee did a terrific job with this movie. But how can you at least not nominate Cinderella Man? The Academy has fallen into the pit of thinking directing and best picture are the same thing.

Best Actor: Cannot agree more with the winner. Philip Seymour Hoffman was great and definitely deserved the Oscar. But Terrence Howard in Hustle and Flow? If that's not playing to the minority, I don't know what is. They completely shunned Russell Crowe. If they were going to nominate Howard for something, it should have been a supporting actor for Crash. He did a much better job.

Best Sound Editing/Best Sound Mixing: ...How can you NOT give this to War of the Worlds? Just the tripod noises were nothing short of spectacular. That sound was truly chilling.

Best Makeup: Why was Star Wars nominated for this? I'll admit, the scene with Anakin toward the end was a marvel, but there were much better categories like Best Visual Effects.

Best Visual Effects: King Kong...good movie, but you could tell the monkey was CGI. War of the Worlds had the best special effects of a movie, ever, period. The tripods looked so real and the heat rays were great. The people bursting into ash was a very good touch. And why not nominate Star Wars for this? Surely it HAD to be considered. It was certainly better than Narnia.

All in all, the Academy dropped the ball this year. Now they're all sitting around on their hands and wondering to themselves, what did they do wrong. Well there is still a lot of backlash from the mistake of making Chris Rock host.

Jon Stewart did his best, and I liked him. But the Academy had his choker so tight he couldn't take a leak without somebody holding it for him and making sure everything was correct. The sooner they let these hosts be themselves to an extent, the sooner the people will come back.

There's a reason why most of Rock's movies are horrible at the box office. Nobody wants to sit and listen to how bad blacks have it and how great whites do. Hey Chris...memo for you: THAT ACT DIED TEN YEARS AGO! You have more money, more fame and more popularity than most white people do. What are you talking about? Is that not enough for you? Do you have to be President of the United States before you'll finally shut up?

Which brings me to my next point. What was with "It's Hard Out Here to be a Pimp?" Is that not the dumbest song anybody has ever heard of? The guys didn't even dress right. They come to a black tie gala dressed in baggy pants and messy clothes. But what is to be expected from a bunch of rappers. There's probably more gold in their mouth and around their neck than the total amount of gold that covers all the Oscars.

When it all comes down to it, Stewart will be blamed for the bad ratings. He'll be blamed for the Oscars being boring. He'll be blamed for everything that went wrong. And it will be wrongfully so. I never cared much for him, but I thought his jokes were great. Especially the Dick Cheney joke about Bjork. Ben Stiller, on the other hand, make a mockery out of the proceedings. Pretty much like the entire night ended up being.