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The Xbox 360 Shortage

I was watching the news just about five to ten minutes ago and there was a story about a guy who was arrested in Baltimore or Boston, can't remember which one, because he was fighting in line to get an Xbox 360 at Best Buy. And I've been reading these different messageboards and there are hundreds of people complaining and blaming Microsoft because they didn't get their Xbox 360.

I went to Wal-Mart and I got one at midnight on Nov. 22. I didn't preorder one, I didn't fight for it. I casually bought one. How might somebody ask? I stood in line after I got off work. And to clarify, I got the premium system, not the Core.

I didn't call in any special favors with the managers or try anything like that. I just did what was necessary for me to get one. There were so many posts on these boards alone saying that they would walk in sometime during the day on Nov. 22 and pick one off the shelf and they would be fine.

Well you know what I say to you people? Too bad. You want to blame somebody because you didn't get one. Get up from in front of the computer and go to the nearest mirror. That person that's staring back at you is the reason you didn't get one. Whether you had school, whether you had work, whether you were just too lazy to go stand in line for a while to get one, it was your fault.

Yeah, Microsoft could have probably released more than what they did. But you need to learn economics and production before you start bashing a company.

And look at the PS2 launch. There were shortages worse than this. I don't care what any PS2 fanboy says, that launch was much, much worse.

And to the people who are complaining about Microsoft not sending enough to Gamestop and EB Games...don't blame Microsoft, blame the highschool dropout managers of those stores. I know a store manager personally who told me that they were telling people they would get one on launch day clear into October. Why? He knew they weren't going to get that much. He was doing it so the store would get more revenue. And why not? You tell some soccer mom or drugstore idiot that they will have a console on launch day if they preorder it and pay it off at that point, they will. And then that's just extra money that store will get.

Gamestops and EB Game stores were selling preorders up through November. There are stores here in Oklahoma that have sold well over 300 preorders at one store. And they knew damn well that they would not get that many.

So there is only one person to blame for yourself not getting one, and that is you.