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Friends of Friends feature in 360 Fall Update

Microsoft have announced another feature to be included with the upcoming "fall" dashboard update for the 360 (released on Dec 4th - not "fall" if you ask me). Alongside a parental timer and the ability to download original Xbox titles is "Friends of Friends". This will allow you to view friends of your friends through the dashboard.

Now I find that, with my list getting close to its limit, I become inundated with game invites, messages and other notifications every time I sign in. This can be extremely frustrating if I've sorted out a game with people already and when some send invites out to their entire list without checking if I have the game or not. This new feature sure isn't going to help with that.

There are also players that in the past have stalked me. It's really weird - I might play with someone once and then find them in the same lobby as me for the rest of the time. This thing sounds like it will be providing for that sort.

I also have people I don't get on with (namely racists) but have happened to play with them because they were a friend of a friend. I don't want those people to know when I'm online or whether they could join my game.

Luckily enough, this feature is not forced upon us - there are 3 options:

Everyone - anyone in friends list or those you recently played can access the info
Friends only - what it says
Blocked - self-explanatory and mandatory for under 13s

I know which one I'm going for - how about you?

One thing I would like to see included is a friend organiser - whereby the people you tend to play with most can be arranged at the top of your friends list so someone called Zeke doesn't need to be invited/messaged after a minute of scrolling downward.

Kane and Lynch: Cancelled

I logged in to HMV today (big electonic/DVD/games store in UK) to see why Dead Men hadn't arrived at my front door this morning. As it turns out the preorder I made, along with Halo 3 was with my card that is no longer in use. Therefore - the payment for K&L failed. I thought I would just put in my new card details and get on with it but then I reminded myself of the mixed reviews it was getting. I started thinking maybe Assassins Creed is the better investment. I finally decided to cancel when I noticed the price had dropped since the preorder by £5! That does mean I miss out on a free 1000MS points that were on offer for 2 preorders at the time. But oh well.

I still think the game looks interesting - so perhaps I will get this, but probably after Christmas when the price will be even better. Besides any time I've had for games right now has been spent on Call of Duty 4. I really should write a review for it, so far GOTY for me.

[edit] I have now written a review for Modern Warfare so go read it here and give it a recommendation or something (if it's good of course) :P

Also, HMV sent me the code for the 1000MS points despite cancelling Kane and Lynch! Fantastic stuff.

Live Vision 4


Had a bit of trouble uploading this vid today, but finally. And oh shucks - GS doesn't like widescreen format. But oh well I'll know for next time. Just more rambling - got CoD4 the other day - recently finished it on veteran and managed to get the "mile high club" achievement, which if you have the game, will know I went through a fair deal to get. Anyhow....the vid is there so go watch if you like.

Second-hand games = not cool

I don't do second hand games. I never have - and I don't think I ever could. The UK is no different to the US in that respect - walk into a retailer such as Game or Gamestation (now owned by Game) and they'll give you tuppence for a trade-in. Then they'll turn around and put it in their window for near the full price of a new copy (in the case of recent releases). Of course for me, being the way I am, I hate getting something second hand (unless it's free) so with the price of second hand games considered - it isn't an option for me anyway. I'm also not the sort to sell games, I collect. Maybe I'm just being a bit snooty - but it seems the consumer is being shafted from every angle.

Unfortunately there aren't many other options for those of us that want rid of our old titles, eBay, car boot sales and a sale to a friend are just about the only viable means I can think of (with the latter being rare). So it is understandable how many go for the safe option, albeit one where you're getting screwed. The buyer wants to feel safe in their purchase, retailers provide that, while eBay can seem like one huge uncertainty to newcomers.

While this does go on, we do have a choice and don't have to part with near to r.r.p for a second-hand game. Developers do not have a choice; they get paid once for each game sold and so see nothing from second-hand sales, where a game might change hands several times.

Steve Ellis, director at Free Radical (Timesplitters series) spoke out a few days ago (found here at MCV)

I can't imagine going into PC World and buying a pre-owned copy of MS Office. It just wouldn't happen. The logical conclusion of this; the retailers' ultimate goal is that they only ever sell one original copy of any game and then they pass it around between everyone who wants to play it, keeping all of the profit for themselves except for that initial sale. How can that possibly be fair?

Sale of second hand PC games is almost non-existent of course because, like MS Office, each copy has a CD Key - rendering any multiplayer component useless. In the case of Steam activated, and entirely multiplayer games like World of Warcraft - second hand just doesn't work. This is the reason (along with piracy) why so many new titles have found their way on the Steam platform, each copy is locked down to one user account.

Could it be that in future, the same will apply to consoles? Perhaps developers would like to see the erradication of disks altogether? I would feel rather uneasy about that - if the consumer is forced to buy without a retailer, then we will be charged whatever they deem fit - with no alternative. It already happens with the 360's Live Arcade and Wii's VC. Of course, for the retro games on those platforms, the only alternative is the second-hand market. So what to do?

I'm in agreement with most developers that claim the current system is flawed, but I wouldn't want to see this empower electronic distribution or a lockdown on every copy I buy. For games no longer in print - the second hand market should be there, but for new titles I expect gamers to know better than let these retailers rip you off.

So what do you think about second-hand games?

Too many games.

Assassins creed
Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
Army of Two
Mass Effect
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Orange Box
Tomb Raider: Anniversary

The above are all games that I want. The only thing is that with the recent purchase of a camcorder, a mass purchase of winter clothing, and other excursions my account is rather fragile. This means, unfortunately, that it probably isn't sensible for me to go spending more despite getting paid today. So what should I go for?

There are some for certain: I have Kane and Lynch on pre-order, and there is no question on Call of Duty 4 - I'M HAVING IT, that Beta and PC demo are making me think at least a 9.

Orange Box seems like a no-brainer, Tomb Raider seems like a good one being cheaper than the others, the Pro Evo demo impressed me, Army of Two looks cool, Ace Combat multiplayer makes me drool, and Assassins Creed is going to be awesome.

Other than the money, it's also a problem getting all the games at once because you then need to find time for all of them.

I just don't know. Maybe I'll just stay in or do overtime. I hate overtime.:evil:

Wii users just aren't hardcore enough.

Akira Yamaoka, sound designer and public face of the Silent Hill franchise took part in an interview found in the Wired blog network. When queried as to whether or not the Wii could be home to further installments (more precisely the 5th) he revealed that there was no intention to do so, leaving the reason to the clear fact, that Wii users aren't "hardcore" enough.

WN: What is the future of the Silent Hill series?

AY: We're making Silent Hill 5 for next-gen consoles. Are there any other platforms besides that? [laughter]

WN: There's the Wii.

AY: Ah, the Wii. Wiiiiiiiiii... Silent Hill Wii. Can we do it? Will players like it?

WN: Yeah! There's a lot of potential there, using the remote as a flashlight, or a knife...

AY: Yeah, there's potential.

WN: But no plans.

AY: No plans. The Wii user isn't a hardcore user.

Well there you have it, according to this guy, the Wii is neither a next-gen console or home to hardcore users. Bit of a silly move if you ask me when you consider his inbox if probably full of hate mail by now. But I do love when people say what they think.

I has a camcorder. In Rainbows. Cozzers

Put this thing on order a few days ago on Amazon, I had ordered it some time early last month from someone else - but their general suckiness meant they had stock issues. So I was most glad to find this at my door yesterday morning.

Panasonic NV-GS320EB-S Mini DV Digital Camcorder

My family never had a camcorder so this is all rather novel for me.

Anyhow it's a pretty cool model, it runs on Mini DV format (better image than HDD), can take SD for stills, has a nice LCD, has 3CCD (three chips for RBG) and a Leica lens. The image quality is really nice and I can use it as a webcam - or blogging tool. For the next vid I make I will try to use it as the quality is so much better than my Live Vision - although I think the name Live Vision will stick. Anyhow I took some stills, the resolution isn't great but they do show how well the camera deals with light and focus.

I hope to make a short film with some friends from university at some point. Haven't sorted anything on that yet so watch this space in say 10 years time.

In other news, since passing my driving test I've been itching to do something. And that is reach 100mph, I did that just last night with a friend - it was 1 am, no one on the motorway (or freeway as you say) so I thought that was the best time. I reached the magic number, slowed down and headed off for the next junction. The next thing I see blue flashing lights in my rear-view mirror. I felt my stomach turn and my balls move a little closer to me. I started to swear like some twisted tourette suffering maniac as the police car got closer and slowed down. Then it passed me and it was clear it was on call for some other emergency.

What a rush. I felt dumb. I don't think I'll do that again. Had I been done for speeding I'd get a straight 3 year ban.

Lastly, the new Radiohead album In Rainbows is fantastic. Love it. (and reason for my new profile banner) When you hear a new album you normally have a feel for what music the band was listening to at the time, here it seems to be a case of Radiohead listening to Radiohead, and that's a good thing. I could really go on forever about each track - but I wont. Suffice to say that this is the best album of the year.

29 kills 0 deaths

"It's OneManArmy!"

Yesterday I had what had to be the best round out of any game I have ever played - well I fib there was this one time in Call of Duty....anyhow. Big Team Slayer. Halo 3. Sandtrap. I happened to be with fellow Gamespotter danmp18.

I was on the warpath after managing to be the first to the Banshee on Sandtrap, from then I showered the helpless opposition with gunfire and plasma rockets - making mince meat of everything thrown at me, and avoiding efforts to swat me from the sky. The spree started like most others, I took out a few guys, a warthog that had just finished splattering fellow team mates and ran into an unsuspecting adversary from the rear.

My 6th kill happened to be someone with a spartan laser and sniper rifle. So valuable I decided to make a quick land and take-off to retrieve them. By the 9th kill they were on to me, and found myself under attack from a Brute Chopper. Using one of the towers as cover I waited until he changed direction before mowing him down with plasma fire.

The killing continued, someone was making his way for a Gravity Hammer, so I gave him a shunt and saw his body fly to the floor. A third warthog taken down, a multitude at enemy spawn, another warthog. They just kept coming. My run very nearly came to an end when someone almost managed to take me down with a Spartan Laser. He missed, so I blew him the hell up. However, in the following seconds I got too close to a particular character that I had to have killed at least five times. He stole my banshee with a skillful leap from his Elephant.

A close shave

Luckily I survived the fall, and made sure he didn't get very far, using the Spartan Laser I had picked up earlier. I then found myself next to an enemy Elephant. After sniping the gunner I retreated to higher ground, using my laser to take out someone lugging a machine gun from range. Another enemy rolled in on a warthog, my laser shot missed - but hit his vehicle, and the subsequent explosion made sure he wasn't going any further.

If I can't have it...

Red dots were showing on my radar, a quick look showed 3 enemies, one holding a Gravity Hammer. I was out of laser ammo, and a sniper rifle isn't something you wanted for a close quarters battle. Luckily the one to spot me also had a sniper rifle, my first shot took down his shield after he missed, and the Battle Rifle I picked up finished him off. More red dots on my screen, i didn't want this to end - after all, I had a sniper rifle and I wanted to make use of it. So I hid, keeping crouched before running out to take a well aimed headshot.

I then made my way to one of the dunes, where I could do some more sniping. At that range getting a shot is not easy, let alone a headshot - my first shots missed their targets, I became aware that I should probably keep the firing down to a minimum, save the enemy knowing where I was. So I took my time and waited for someone to stop. Someone did, and I finally got a headshot. The next kill was pretty easy - and I really stole it from someone else in close quarters. Another headshot for a warthog gunner and the last kill for me, and my team gave me the "perfection" medal.


Strangley enough, the last kill wasn't registered at the end scoreboard. But most annoyingly of all - the entire game wasn't recorded. So there is no record of it on my Bungie profile and I don't have my "Untouchable" and "Perfection" medals. So frustrating - how am I going to manage that again?! I do however have the vid saved, so if you don't believe me, or want to know how it's done :P - check out my file share.

Apologies for making such a self-absorbent post but I just had to after that. Check out the vid.

[edit] Oh, I realsie I've made this post on the same day as my one prior - so if you are a visitor, just take a peek at my previous entry.

Retro Rehash

There is a problem with taking a trip down memory lane and trying out those games you played years ago - simply that most do not stand the test of time. In fact I would go as far as to say none of them will ever be as exciting to play as when they were new and shiny. Graphics, gameplay and scope have all changed since the days of Mario Bros. and it's a good thing. Yet with the presence of Live Arcade and Nintendo's Virtual Console, things are taking a step backwards. Gamers are being charged over-the-odds prices for games that are as much as 20 years old. Many of which are straight ports with no bonus features and in some cases missing features.

I remember playing Smash T.V. when it was on the Mega-Drive II. I had a blast of a time with my neighbour. It was released not so long ago on Live Arcade and so fond memories drew me into buying it. Now I'm not saying it was a complete waste, I had some fun with it, but in the end it cost more than it was worth. The same goes for all the other retro games I have tried or bought on Live Arcade - they don't deliver what they used to - or in the case of games I never played, don't deliver. The most bitter disappointment had to be Streets of Rage 2. I remember that game being so fantastic; but playing it again after all this time just isn't the same. There is more to gaming than this I was thinking, we have decent AI now, realistic graphics, plots, music scores and a whole load of other things to enjoy.

One might say today's games are rather complicated, and when one wants a 10 minute time-out these games step up to the mark. Well maybe some do but put Robotron up against Geometry Wars and there is no contest. It frustrates me how Nintendo reach into their library and pull out money makers for the Virtual Console - so poor saps can have a bit of nostalgia. If you are going to bring out a game from years previous, then make sure it's jam packed with new features, updated graphics, sound and then maybe the price is justified.

Some might want their games preserved for what they were - well so do I but this is 2007, not 1989 and gaming has come a long way since then. One example, although perhaps not the best is Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes - a remake of the best PSOne game period, with the engine and gameplay elements from Sons of Liberty used to full effect. With a five year gap and new consoles introduced, Metal Gear Solid was going to look decrepit alongside the games of 2004, Twin Snakes however, looked great. I had that same feeling when playing MGS on the PlayStation and strangely enough, didn't notice the vast improvements. That is until I dusted off and fired up my PlayStation. How harsh time had been.

I guess we have a tendency to look at things through rose-tinted glasses. Nintendo know that. So with one eye on your money and the other on their back catalogue they release a retro rehash. I don't agree with that. People have their preferences - and I suppose it is right that games of the past can still be readily available, but when I have friends over I'm not about to pull up Street Fighter II when I have Dead or Alive 4 sitting in my disc tray.

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