Assassins creed
Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
Army of Two
Mass Effect
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
Orange Box
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
The above are all games that I want. The only thing is that with the recent purchase of a camcorder, a mass purchase of winter clothing, and other excursions my account is rather fragile. This means, unfortunately, that it probably isn't sensible for me to go spending more despite getting paid today. So what should I go for?
There are some for certain: I have Kane and Lynch on pre-order, and there is no question on Call of Duty 4 - I'M HAVING IT, that Beta and PC demo are making me think at least a 9.
Orange Box seems like a no-brainer, Tomb Raider seems like a good one being cheaper than the others, the Pro Evo demo impressed me, Army of Two looks cool, Ace Combat multiplayer makes me drool, and Assassins Creed is going to be awesome.
Other than the money, it's also a problem getting all the games at once because you then need to find time for all of them.
I just don't know. Maybe I'll just stay in or do overtime. I hate overtime.:evil: