alijib / Member

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Completed Stalker CS 4th time, Waitin for Dead Space.

I don't know why I like The Zone, I don't know why I wan't to visit it again and again. but all the times, experience is good enough, and i always got left with wanting more of it.

People have complained about SCS, about the glitches, aging graphics engine, funny announcements , and the list goes on, but Is it really that bad. For me, The Zone is everything, I don't care how many times I have to reboot my rig, just to play 5 more minutes, and BSD again. The Zone keeps calling me, and my thirst for this amazing nuclear wasteland keep on growing. I have also installed SSOC, and enjoyed playing it again with SCS. The old areas with new enemies, or friends, a little bit different stuff etc.I guess the upcoming Fallout 3 will push the envelope even further for realistic battle grounds with Postnuclear Washington D.C.

Read somewhere about Dead Space, that it is a clone of Resi 4, but better in terms of controls, with a story in leagues of my favourite Rapture City Bioshock. We have already seen the Graphics and Settings, with unique firepower of Isaac. I am sure, this game is set to be a masterpiece in upcoming weeks, lets keep our fingers crossed.

I am going online , trying to preorder my copy of Dead Space for PC.
