I have tried the beta, and so far only able to smoothly run Left 4 Dead. Tried some old titles like Bioshock & Witcher, but they keep on asking d3d9_33 & 35 dll's, even after registering them. Will try some other games, and post them here too. By the way, it runs smooth, boots up fast, install very fast, without hassle and looks cool too.
HL came, HL played, HL conquered. Half Life is the only FPS which I have played again and again since it release. When ever I boot it up , completes it then let go my keyboard+mouse.
Better Late Then Never!!!! I use to play Half Life from start to end on every weekend since Dec 98. Still it feels awesome and makes me want more of it. I think I am crazy for half life!
I am running it fine on my x2 4200+ with GT 7300 256 1gb ram. It did freezed a bit on the 6th stage of UEF & CYBRAN , still playing AEON, let c what happens :D
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