Yeah, so since nobody really seems to know that much about me, I thought I'd fill out a survey. Stole it from purpledonkey's (Julia) profile.
All About Me Survey
1. name: Inge
2. nicknames: IngeInge, Ing, not-so-evil-twin, Ingie Pooh... Let's just say I have strange friends.
3. gender: Female
4. birthday: July 22nd
5. age: 18
6. star sign: Cancer
7. place of birth: A small town in the South of the Netherlands
8. current residence: Same town
9. hair color: Died red/brownish... Originally ashblond
10. eye color: Blue/greyish
11. height: 5'10"
12. writing hand: Left
13. do you bite your nails: Never
14. can you roll your tongue: Hmm...
15. can you do a cartwheel: Not really
16. can you raise one eyebrow at a time: I wish
17. can you blow smoke rings: I never smoke.
18. can you blow spit bubbles: No, and I don't want to. EW
19. can you cross your eyes: Yes... I've been told I look weird when doing it. Doesn't everyone
21. tattoos and where: none
22. piercings and where: one in each ear
23. do you make your bed daily: No, no matter how much my mom wants me to
24. do you sleep with clothes on: ... yes.
25. which shoe goes on first: Don't particularly care.
26. fave type of shoes: Either my sneakers or my black boots.
27. where do you keep your clothes: Closet, or on my chair.
28. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone? Not recently
31. you got a job: I babysit every once in a while. Used to do dishes at a restaurant.
33. do you like someone/why do you like them: I like someone. No further details necessary.
34. are you taken by someone: No
35. who: ...
36. what is the date you two began going out on: ...
37. what is love: Fill in the random corniness. I'm a romantic.
38. are you willing to try the 'other side': ... Don't think so.
039. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: I cut it. I suck at twirling it.
040. how many cereals are in your cabinet: Just the regular cornflakes. I eat them without milk by the way. Just one of my weird habits.
041. what utensils do you use eating pizza: Sometimes my fingers, sometimes knife and fork.
042. how often do you brush your teeth: Everyday, twice
043. how often do you shower/bathe: Everynight.
044. how long do these showers last?: About 10 minutes, longer if washing my hair.
046. do you curse: Yes. Usually with the odd "Frak" "Gorram" "Ruttin" thrown in. I swear in TV references.
047. do you mumble to yourself: All the time
048. do you spit in public: Ew. No.
049. do you pee in the shower: Ew. No.
050. in the cd player: Little Voice - Sara Bareilles. In my laptop CD-drive: Anthony Stewart Head - Music for Elevators
051. person you talk most on the phone with: Either my parents, my friend Jasmijn, or my evil twin, who is in fact not related to me at all. Did I mention I have strange friends?
052. what color is your bedroom: The walls are purple, with some white thinigs.
053. do you use an alarm clock: Nope. my parents wake me up or my sisters yelling usually does the trick. They fight over the bathroom at 6.45 AM.
054. name one thing you're obsessed with?: At the moment? NCIS.
055. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: no
056. ever sunbathed in the nude: No
057. window seat or aisle: window
058. what's your sleeping position: Side, or on back. I turn a lot.
059. what kind of bed do you like: A nice big one so I can lie in the middle.
060. in hot weather do you use a blanket: Sheet
061. do you snore: Only when I have a cold.
062. do you sleepwalk: No.
063. do you talk in your sleep: No. My sister sings in her sleep. Hilarious.
064. how about the light on: A tiny one.
065. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: I used to. Now I canĀ“t sleep with it on.
066. were in love: No comment
067. kissed someone: In that way? A LOOONG time ago
068. watched the discovery channel: umm...
069. cried: Yeah, sometime this week. Sad movie, I think.
070. talked on the phone: yesterday, I guess
071. read a book: I think yesterday
072. hit someone: Some time this week. I taught my mom how to Gibbs-slap
073. where do you see yourself ten years from now: Really don't know.
075. how many babies do you want to have: I don't know yet.
076. your profession: I would love to do something with writing.
077. sport: None. *grin*
078. color: Purple
079. instrument: piano & guitar. Play the clarinet myself.
080. band: Too many to speak of. Honestly. I'm one of those music nuts who has her I-Pod on as much as possible, to the point of being annoying.
082. store: All kinds of music stores really
083. drink: Mountain Dew.
084. place: I guess my room
What's the time: 11.00 PM
what's the date: 14th of February 2008
what's the day: Thursday
light or dark out: dark
do you own more than 5 tv sets: Don't think so.
do you own a toaster: It kind of belongs to my parents, but yeah.
do you own a house with 2 floors: My parents do. Does that count?
what are you wearing?: Lounge pants and t-shirt... Lying comfortably on my bed. Just watched Serenity, and some NCIS episodes... Life is good :P
That was survey time for today.