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Confessions of a FPS Hater

Hi, my name is Alli and I hate first person shooters. (Hi Alli!)

That being said, I also own an odd assortment of them and there are a few I'd like to get eventually. Why? I havent the foggiest. Maybe its a case of owning that which you dislike, a sort of keep your friends close and your enemies closer kinda thing, mabey its just that owning an fps makes them seem less scary, or maybe I'm just out of it. (probably that one). Since everyone likes lists, here is a list of some of the fps' I have, and the reason why I despise each one.

Battlefield 2

I played this once, mabey twice, definitely isnt my cup of tea.

Half Life 2

I install this every few months, play it a little and usually end up uninstalling it before I can get anywhere interesting.


I think I played this a couple times, definitely neat to look at, but I couldnt get into it.

Unreal Tourney 2004

Well after seeing pre match photos of women of questionable virginity, my roommate thought it was a sex game. That was enough reason to give it another run through, not nearly fun enough though to keep me playing.


I despise Halo with a passion. My cousin, who is a self affirmed druggie, has graduated to nightly pc Halo runs and he can actually frag (is that even a word??) people while in a drug induced stupor. This isnt something new though, he started his substance induced gib-fest when Halo magically appeared on XBox, making it quite the console, and magically turning guys of all ages, into drooling, trigger happy, sanitarium bound, oddities. Now his questionable parentage and genetic makeup aside, it isnt just the depraved, weed growers that seem to obsess over what is probably the biggest fps since Doom. I know college graduates that, when in the depths of a Halo match, will toss their controllers and scream profanities that would make Duke Nukem stop for a double take (well probably not), guess those college degrees arent much help when you're on the receiving end of a laser sword.

Jedi Knight

Surprisingly I loved the original Jedi Knight. (Dark Forces II, that is). It was simplicity in motion, you had four to eight force powers, could access em with any hotkey, you had guns and a lightsaber, easy!, (of course guns were no match for an expertly times force pull, but anyway), newer versions of the game, sadly, added more force powers and more force powers, til they got way too complex for me, (there werent that many powers used in the movies, either). So I suppose I still pine for the old days, when a first person shooter was nice and simple and bland, (whatever happened to Pong the FPS?). Oh right, if you messed with the text file, you could cheat and get all the good and evil force powers and take em online, now that was fun, of course people would ask how you had all those powers, but simply answering that you get em all for finishing the game made them go away (how I wish I could escape noobs that easy in WoW).


I really didnt play much of the sequels, but the original quake was a blast, I think it was the no gravity stage that me and a couple friends had the most fun in, bouncing around and shooting each other til we all suffered from motion sickness and had to sit down. ah good times.\

Well I think thats it. I hope you enjoyed this list, and I'm sure there'll be a lot more useless lists coming up in future posts.

(Hm, how about a list of crappy summer tv shows? or would that be too long??)