Hello, my lovelies! Hope you're all having a nice and safe new year!
I find myself getting bored with WoW, which happens usually after a month or two after an expansion hits.
I was at Gamestop the other day and its funny, I couldnt think of a thing to buy. This is the second or so time this has happened in as many months. I felt my head to see if I was coming down with something, you know, like one of those diseases that are always going around, a cold, or the flu, or porphyric hemophilia.
Its really weird, there are games I want to play, however, I'd like to play other games first, so the experience with the games I want to play is more rewarding or complete? Does that make sense?
For example, I'd like to try Dead Space 2, but feel like I should give the first one a run through before I do that. Brotherhood looks fun, but having never finished ACII, I'd like to do that as well. I hear great things about Mass Effect 2, but I'd like to run through the first one again, since its been awhile (plus I'd like a save to export). I didnt even pick up Dragon Quest IX, due to the fact that I wanna play DQV first. I've been having the urge to play some college football but NCAA 11 is still 59.99 new and I didnt wanna shell out that much just for a lil college ball.
I think I need a nice long adventure game, like Castlevania, or something. Heck I'm even tempted to pick up Pokemon SoulSilver again. Anyone have any suggestions?