I hope you guys had a nice, safe holiday with family and friends =)
I didnt go shopping on Black Friday, due to the fact that I really dislike crowds (and have no money). From the way the stores looked, at least from watching the news, I'm glad I didnt go out.
I dunno if you guys saw the Prince of Persia marathon on here yesterday, but it looks like a lot of fun, especially for us platformer-challenged people =P
In gaming news, my quest to 80 in WoW continues, though my more immediate goal is 60. I'd like to do a fantasy-esque journal/story kinda thing on here when I start a death knight, but I know drummer101 is doing a character story thing so I dont wanna step on anyone's toes.
I finally started Lost Odyssey and its a lot of fun, though I started over because I didnt pick up all the items I could have (I'm an item junkie in rpg's). The first boss is really hard though. I'm enjoying it so far though, the cutscenes Ive seen already have some nice elements, political intrigue, corruption, etc. The graphics are really nice too.
For those of you missing the holidays already, not to worry, there are some great holidays coming up this month. I think we might get a tree this year (I havent had a tree in awhile cause my last roomie was jewish, not that he celebrated much).
Hope you guys have a great week!