I know, I dont typically post about finishing games (which are a rarity for me, anyway) but ACII was kind of unique. I picked it up soon after release, on the 360, after enjoying the first one quite a bit. Well it sat around for a bit before I popped it in and I got a good deal through it and my 360 elite got stolen and with it, all my savegames. So I borrowed it from a friend, after buying a new 360, except he had it on PS3, so I played through a good deal of it, again, and I had just gotten to Venice and he asked for it back so I gave it back and promptly picked it up for 360 again. Well I started it up again and got about halfway and my save file somehow got damaged, so it wouldnt load again, (it read 'damaged save").
Suffice it to say I was less than thrilled with the prospect of starting over again, but I did. After quite a few weeks of periodic off and on playings, I finally watched the credits roll last night. I enjoyed the ending, even though it was a cliffhanger. I now have to pick up Brotherhood at some point, maybe on my next splurging spree.
I have Portal 2 and MK coming in tomorrow, so that should keep me busy for, you know, a couple minutes. >.> Anyone else picking either of these up?