Happy Monday to you all ! =)
Thats right, I killed it ! (well technically, I suppose the two paladins, hunter, and warrior had a little something to do with it). It was in World of Warcraft, of course, and I guess they helped a tiny bit, but I was the one doing all the damage. They really expanded on the Halloween stuff this year. The Horseman is 70 elite, has tons of hp, and is wicked hard to kill (at least he is with my lame friends in the game). He rides a glowing horse, has a huge sword (and a nasty whirlwind attack), and throws pumpkins at you, that upon impact hit you with Conflagrate, a nasty warlock spell that makes you run around like you're confused, while you burn for 800+ dmg a sec for 4-6 seconds. Once you hit em enough, his head pops off and you have to smack it while it floats around for a few seconds. The good news is, is that he drops some killer items, like mage and warlock epic damage rings, a healer ring, magic broom mounts, and little pumpkin pets.
In non WoW news, those of you salivating over reading my next review,( for Hotel Dusk), have to wait a teensy bit longer. But I promise it'll be worth the wait !
If you've been watching cable tv, like I have, you'll notice the tons of horror flicks on at the moment. The highlight of these, for me, at least have been the Tim Burton stuff (Nightmare and Corpse Bride), and I enjoyed 28 Days Later, for being a unique kind of zombie-ish movie. I also caught some old school stuff such as Psycho and The Birds (I love Hitchcock), and even The Exorcist. I didnt catch Saw, even though I'd never seen it and it came on, cause a new episode of House was on, and I never miss that.
Glitchspot is still being weird to me (My PMs come up all blank and stuff, and some blog replies arent posted right away), so I dunno whats going on here. Its kinda freaky.
I preordered the Collectors Edition of Hellgate: London, and the funny part is, after messing around in the beta, I wasnt too impressed. I know, its just a beta, but it seemed so diablo-like. The good news is Eric's birthday is the 31st (what a waste of a day), so I'm thinking of just giving it to him, so it wont go to waste. I dont like Eric that much, mind you, but its better than letting it sit on the shelf.
For those of you watching the World Series, let me just say this....(eww gross!), hehe just kidding! I honestly cant watch baseball, due to my short attention span and all. Dont get me wrong, I like all the extreme sports, like ice skating, extreme ballroom dancing, etc. I guess baseball just isnt extreme enough for me.
Anyway, I'm sure I've rambled on long enough. Hope the week starts off nicely for you all !