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I'm such a piddler

There are many names for it. Piddler, Procrastinator, Russian Cosmonaut, etc. Basically the class final project that I've known about for the past three weeks is still not done, even though its due tomorrow at the stoke of midnight. Its not like I have nothing down on paper, I just have a few scenes to go really. Its been like this for awhile though. I never did papers or anything until the last night before class in middle or high school. Sometimes I'd do first drafts on the bench outside class 15 minutes before the teacher arrived and I'd still get straight A's. That's when I figured out the school system in the US was a bit off. (I mean K-12, university level is generally pretty good.) Heck, I'd probably be doing it now, but it still feels a bit early. None of that pressure to finish yet, so maybe tomorrow. >.>

The class itself has been a lot of fun. This is week nine of a ten week quarter. The best part is the teacher is extremely nice about telling people they suck. She made it clear early on that critiquing is supposed to be nice and helpful and all. For example, after you read someone else's piece, you're supposed to start with a positive, like "Oh I loved your opening line," and then add what you didnt like about it, and how they could make it better. I've noticed this doesnt really work in real life all that well, when put into practice, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Me: I love those shoes! They certainly take the focus off your giant head!

Other Person: wait, what??

Me: I said I love your shoes!

Other Person: awww how sweet!


Me: Those glasses are so nice! They really draw attention away from the rest of your face, thank god.

Friend: excuse me???

Me: I said I like your glasses.

Friend: awe here, have a candy!


hang on, maybe it does work. >.>

In gaming news, I've been playing an awful lot of the new Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I started over, after screwing up in my first playthrough and am enjoying it a lot more now that I know what I'm doing. I also found out that its infinitely easier on a PC with a gamepad, as I plugged in a USB 360 controller and all the prompts changed to the gamepad buttons right away which was very nice. If you havent read about it, you play as an ex cop turned security chief for this large corporation. The year is 2027 and its in detroit, and the corp you work for makes augments, or cyber enhancements for the body. Naturally there are tons of people against this, much of it seems political, etc, which makes for an interesting backstory. You also get points you can spend on augments as you level up. This time, I went with the social enhancer, which lets you measure someone's heart and blood pressure and see their psych profile on screen as well as release phermones to influence their actions. This is really useful and I've used it a few times already to talk myself past people. If you're playing Deus Ex, I recommend getting it. It has an open world kind of feel, as in you can walk around the city, do sidequests, etc. It feels a lot like Vampire: Bloodlines, mixed with Shadowrun elements, if that makes sense. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.