it's like that old addage, "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, did you really just cut it down?"
Oh and Happy Saturday!
On the gaming front, If you've seen me on 360 lately, you know I've been playing a lot of Borderlands. Actually I was kind of alternating between Dead Space and Borderlands, but...
***spoiler alert ***
I got to the end of chapter 4 in Dead Space and was actually enjoying it quite a bit, and there's this horrid asteroid shooting minigame that I cant pass at all, no matter what I do. Its pretty lame because I just want to get on with the game. My current total is 171 losses. (it doesnt keep a running total, but I do =p). Its kind of annoying because you cant move on with the game until you beat it. If you hsve no idea what Im talking about, the game gives you a cannon and you have to shoot asteroids before they take down the ship, there's some in the middle and on the sides. When I try to shoot the ones on the sides, the middle ones kill me, when I stay in the middle, the side ones kill me. There's no way I can chase down every single one either, I'm not a navy fighter pilot here.
***end spoiler***
(it wouldnt let me use spoiler tags, I dont know why, site has been all glitchy for me lately.)
anyway its rendered the game pretty much unplayable now. So I've been on Borderlands most of the time. At least that's going well. My first attempt at the game when it came out didnt go so well, but this time I'm managing to solo most of it. I'm hoping to finish the main story and go through the DLC at some point,