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Its a Small World

Yay! I finally got Little Big Planet! I've only gone through the first little tutorial garden type level so far, but I'm already having fun. I think they sent me a code for the preorder content like a month ago, I'm gonna have to find that. ("Its the best game I've ever played and all I've done is enter my name"!). On another note, I didnt know Fallout 3 was gonna be a huge launch title. On the news, they even showed lines of people waiting outside stores at the midnight launch (though admittedly, some people just walked up and stood in line because others were doing it =P). I admit I'd like to play it, just not right away, probably more because I'm a fan of Bethesda's previous games, than a huge fan of Fallout.

Now the part you've all been waiting for, the answers to the last blog's little game! How many did you get right?

1. MARIO (Super Mario Bros)

2. DRACULA (Castlevania)

3. ALTAIR (Assassin's Creed)

4. SAMUS (Metroid)

5. CRONO (Chrono Trigger)

6. SALAMANDO (Secret of Mana)

7. YOJIMBO (Final Fantasy X)

8. BIRDO (Super Mario Bros 2)

9. DRAGONLORD (Dragon Warrior)

10, NEKU (The World Ends With You)

11. DUNNING (Hotel Dusk)

12. GHALEON (Lunar)

13.SNAKE (Metal Gear Solid)

14. CLANK (Secret Agent Clank)

15. AMATERASU (Okami)

16. TOAN (Dark Cloud)

17. TRAVIS (No More Heroes)

18. RACHEL (Ninja Gaiden Sigma)

19. IGNUS (Planescape: Torment)