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Knights of the Nine Impressions

While my cable was out this week, I did get to finally install and try a few of the new additions in the Oblivion expansion pack, Knights of the Nine.  Some of the nifty new features include:

Frostcrag Spire:  a nifty new tower home for your brooding mage character, complete with alchemy enhancing lab, herb garden, and cavernous open spaces.  Theres also a spellmaker and enchanter, which are pretty much the same as the ones in the archmage's quarters, which you're probably familiar with if you are a mage.  Probably the neatest additions to the tower are mages guild portals to most of the cities, and a nifty little altar that , for a small fee of regeants, will create a storm, fire or frost atronach familiar that will follow you around, fight for you and cook and clean.  Nice!

Deepscorn Hollow:  The 2nd new home for your charrie, with a dark brotherhood-esque theme.  The hollow is underwater and in a deceptively large cavern, and once you upgrade it fully, it has a lovely dining area, coffin for sleeping, and a wicked looking shrine to the night mother, Sithis.  Very Atmospheric.

Quests include small chains, like restoring the Orrery in the Arcane University and a nifty underground pirate ship, guarded by the souls of the now extinct pirates.  Once theyre cleared out, the ship and its underground dock becomes your new home, where you can hire less than honorable merchants, trainers for the more subtle skills (sneak, security, etc), and take on a pirate crew, who you can send out to plunder once a week and theyll bring back your share of the loot!  If you've ever wanted your own pirate army to plunder for you, this is the way to go, short of buying your own yacht, painting it black and taking it out to international waters, anyway.

The expansion really gets going with the main quest though, apparently an evil demon/wizard/really bad thing is back and you are the hero of legend (that happens a lot), who must restore the order of the Knights of the Nine, quest for the Relics of the Crusader, and stop him.  Its a pretty nifty chain for an expansion and lots of fun.

Theres also a quest to find the razor of the now infamous daedra lord Mehrunes Dagon, which isnt a bad way to spend your time either, especially while youre waiting for your pirates to bring back your bounty. 

For anyone who loves Oblivion, this expansion should be a no brainer.  Highly recommended!