Well the geek squad is now looking at my laptop. (not out of the goodness of their hearts, mind you, they charged me 70 bucks to check it out). Of course when I get there and geek squad guy plugs it in, it boots up fine, twice and the second partition shows up and everything. He tries again and it gets to windows in record time, of course, and looks at me, like I'm a few genes just shy of devolving into some kind of half chimp like creature. So I leave it there. Hopefully they wont do anything unnatural to it.
My aunt bought a new pc, an HP something or other with all the bells and whistles. 8 gb ram, 1tb hard drive, etc. A nifty looking 23 inch hd monitor too. So I spent the night here and helped her get it going and install all her stuffs. (Though the only thing she really uses are email and office). Its probably a good thing that she isnt a gamer as the card on this thing is kinda weak (Geforce 9100, 256mb). Whats funny is her windows index score is exactly the same as my laptop, a 4.4, not that I put much stock in arbitrary numbers.
Sleeping here is icky, I have to sleep on the couch, and my druggie cousin is always lurking about. Her house is always unnaturally cold compared to mine (60 degrees vs 80 lol), At least my cousin hasnt traded my xbox for magic beans yet. Maybe I can grab it before I leave. I noticed Julie and Julia on the netflix stream. I love that movie, especially the parts with Meryl Streep. Kinda makes me wish I was married to Stanley Tucci, hehe. (As I'm sure most guys wish that too). If you havent seen it yet, I highly recommend it.