As most of you know, I tend to shy away from multplayer in most games, as its usually way too inaccessible or has a steep learning curve, or just isnt fun. This week, I attempted a couple of multiplayer experiences in order to see if I could find that missing element (or at least layeth the smack down online).
My first game was Top Spin 4. Having finished the career mode, I felt more than ready to take on the online world tour mode. So I start up a match between me vs random male gamer posing as female tennis player (I assume >.>). Well she/he/it, beats me in straight sets, and I mean, it isnt even close, they are running down everything at super speed, hitting balls at 300mph, etc. I dont think Nadal coulda taken this stuff.
So I look online and find that all of the top players are mostly people who have maxed out their offensive scores (you can distribute up to 20 points in offense, defense, or serve and volley), and apparently that may be why my create a gimp serve and volley player couldnt keep up. Apparently there are also cheaters online. But what if I dont want my player to be like everyone else's online?? Sadly, the manual didnt have an answer for me.
Result: Not Fun.
So I loaded up Dead Space 2 and check out the multiplayer options (apparently its one of those get exp for killing stuff and level up, and unlock more stuff kinda deals, like RDR and Bioshock 2). This would be a good system unless you're a noob like me and not an expert fragger, meaning I'll not only level up a lot slower than everyone else, I'll also get killed a lot more. Oh boy, let the fun begin.
My Dead Space 2 experience went something like this:
"Oh look, I can pick a monster to spawn as..thats kinda neat"
*respawn* ...*dead*
*respawn* ...*dead*
*respawn* ...*dead*
"wait, I dont even know how to...* *dead*
"I think I missed the fun part..." *dead*
"Hang on, I'm a human now...least I can shoot things" *shoot* *miss* *dead*
"I dont see the word fun in the manual anywhere..." *flips pages* *dead*
*Scoreboard shows Alli with lowest amount of kills and highest amount of deaths*
*gets kicked from game*
Result: Not fun.
(Tune in next time, when I reveal more embarassing multiplayer moments!)